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BEST Kids Superhero 5K & Fun Run

Sat May 10, 2025 Alexandria, VA 20598 US Directions



$35 8:30AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT
393 spots left. Price increases after April 3, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

Young Adult 5k (13-17)

$15 8:30AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT Price increases after April 3, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Open to ages 13 - 17.

Youth 5K (Age 12 and Under)

$0 8:30AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT Registration ends May 10, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Open to ages 1 - 12.

Kids Fun Run

$0 8:00AM EDT - 8:30AM EDT Registration ends May 10, 2025 at 9:30am EDT


8999 Fort Hunt Road
Fort Hunt Park - Pavilion A
Alexandria, VA US 20598


BEST Kids is a local nonprofit organization with a mission to connect with youth in foster care and youth who are at risk to build healthy and successful futures through long-lasting mentoring relationships.

Join us Saturday May 10th, 2025 for our 13th Annual Superhero 5K and Fun Run!

The Fun Run distance is 0.5 miles and is geared toward our younger runners. Parents/Guardians should help their smaller Superheroes through the fun run. 


Step 1 – REGISTER for the race

Step 2 – Show up at Fort Hunt Park on May 10th!


SHARE our event with your friends and family throughout the DMV area. Follow on social media at @bestkidsdc for all event details.

CREATE run teams – Creating a team allows you to implement team time goals, or simply empower your friends to remain active during this time of social distancing. Feel free to come up with creative themes and team names.

PARTICIPATE in our fun, family-friendly engagement activities on race day!

INDIVIDUAL FUNDRAISING - We encourage you to BECOME AN INDIVIDUAL FUNDRAISER if you are willing and able. 
We are excited about this engaging opportunity and hope you will join in on the fun. Please remember that not only does this run promote fun and health, but it is also a major contributing factor to positively impacting the youth that we serve. YOUR PARTICIPATION MAKES A DIFFERENCE!

THANK YOU for helping us support our community by helping youth in foster care and youth who are at-risk. 

5K (In-Person Race) Details and Updates:

Hello BEST Kids Superheroes!

We are so excited to be with you in person for our 13th Annual Superhero 5K and Fun Run this Saturday, May 10th at Fort Hunt Park, Alexandria, VA. We wanted to provide you with some information in preparation for the race. Check-in will be from 7:00AM – 7:45AM. The Fun Run will start at 8:00AM The adult and youth 5K race will begin promptly at 8:30AM. . This is a rain or shine event, therefore the event will still take place even if it rains. Lastly, we encourage you to dress up like your favorite superhero. It is not mandatory, but we would love for you to join in on the fun!

Parking lots are located near the start of the event. We will be at Pavilion A. 

Again, we are so excited to see all of you. Thank you for your support and cooperation in advance. We expect this to be a fun-filled and safe event all in support of our youth in foster care.

If you’d like to share any photos of your participation please email them to or you can tag us on social media @bestkidsdc.

Again, we are so excited for you to support BEST Kids' youth in this way. You are running for a great cause. We encourage you to have fun and be safe.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

5k Course

2 Loops (Counterclockwise)



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