Haymarket, VA US 20169
This 5K Turkey Trot is open to ALL in the community! The race starts at 9:30am - join us for a warmup at 9:15am! Participants will receive a t-shirt.
The 5K course will begin and end in the Parking Lot of The Piedmont Athletic Club. Maps will be provided.
1 award will be given to the Top 1 Male and Top 1 Female from each of the following age groups: 65 and over, 40-64, 18-39, 12-17, and under 12.
Please Note: Your registration is not complete until you drop off your payment (cash or check) at the Piedmont Athletic Club, 14651 Piedmont Vista Drive. Checks can be made payable to the Piedmont HOA. The registration fee is $20 per person.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.