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Great Chesapeake Bay 4.4 Mile Swim & 1 Mile Bay Challenge

Sun June 8, 2025 Stevensville Libby's Coastal Kitchen, MD 21666 US

Kayak Volunteer - Eastern Shore Launch

At least 14 more volunteers needed.


The Eastern Shore side will support the 1-Mile Bay Challenge and will continue to support the end of the 4.4 Mile Bay Swim. Kayakers will be assigned from the center span of the bridge to Libbey’s Coastal Kitchen.

The Eastern Shore side will support the 1 Mile Bay Challenge, starting at 830am, and will continue to support the end of the 4.4 Mile Bay Swim. Assets will be assigned from the center span of the bridge, in towards Libbeys Coastal Kitchen.

Kayak Volunteer - Western Shore Launch

At least 8 more volunteers needed.


The Western Shore side will launch from Sandy Point State Park and will be spread along the 4.4- mile course, with a focus on the swimmers making a smooth transition to under the bridge and through the spans.

If kayakers travel all the way over to the finish line area (Eastern Shore – Marina close to
Libbey’s Coastal Kitchen), there will be a transport to get them back to their vehicle at Sandy
Point. Depending on the number of kayaks, the return trip may just be the kayaker, and they will need to return to Libbey's Coastal Kitchen to retrieve their kayak.

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