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Boilermaker Road Race

Sun July 13, 2025 Utica, NY 13501 US Directions

Boilermaker Volunteers

5K Bib Pick-up

July 11, 2025

July 12, 2025


Runners require a bib to participate and have their runs timed properly. Volunteers are needed to distribute bibs to runners

Volunteers verify information on the bib with identification shown by the runner in order to ensure that runners receive the proper bib, as well as any additional information needed to complete the race. Please note you will be standing most of your shift.

Shifts are available Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


Mohawk Valley Community College Campus
Inside Performance Gym

5K Race Start

At least 13 more volunteers needed.


Volunteers are needed to help all aspects of the start of the 5K Race.


Burrstone Rd near the intersection with York Street in Utica

15K Bib Pick-Up

July 11, 2025

July 12, 2025

July 13, 2025


Runners require a bib in order to participate and have their runs be timed properly.

Volunteers verify information on the bib with identification shown by the runner in order to ensure that runners receive the proper bib, as well as any additional information needed to complete the race.

Shifts are available Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Please note you will be standing for most of your shift.


Mohawk Valley Community College Campus
Inside Performance Gym

15K Start Line Set-Up

At least 75 more volunteers needed.


Involves the set up, breakdown and clean up of the various race needs at the 15k Start Line.

This includes preparing the Race Day Packet Pickup area, Elite Athlete warm-up area, start line truss, announcers platform, etc.


15K Start Line is located on Culver Avenue between Dwyer Ave and Beechgrove in Utica.

Bag Check for Runners

At least 19 more volunteers needed.


Collect runner's baggage at the 15K Start Line, transport it to the Post Race Party area after the Finish Line & distribute it back to runners


15K Start Line is located near the intersection of Culver & Dwyer Avenues in Utica, NY and the Bag Check Drop Off is located on Dwyer Avenue.

The Post Race Party area is located along Columbia Street in Utica, NY.

Beer Pourers Post Race Party (Password Protected)

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

July 13, 2025


These volunteers will be working at the iconic Saranac Post Race Party serving Saranac beer & seltzer at a designated beer truck location.


Back lot of F.X. Matt Brewing Company located on Columbia Street, Utica, NY and in Boilermaker Square Park located between Columbia & Whitesboro Streets, Utica, NY.

Resources Needed

Beer 12 - 10 - 15
Beer 13 - 10 - 15
Beer 15 - 20 - 30
Beer 17 - 20 - 30
Beer 18 - 20 - 30
Beer 19 - 20 - 30

Boilermaker Square Brick Sales

At least 8 more volunteers needed.


Boilermaker Square at Butler Park located between Columbia & Whitesboro Streets in Utica, NY near the Finish Line and adjacent to the Post Race Party. It features a red brick path forming an exact miniature replica of the 15K course as it winds its way through the city.

The brick pavers are available for sale with engraved personalized messages.

Volunteers are needed to help promote the sale of these pavers at the Expo in shifts to cover the approximately 16 hours.


Bricks are sold at the Expo (Mohawk Valley Community College Campus).

At least 9 more volunteers needed.


As a point to point race, the Boilermaker provides complimentary bus transportation to participants via a partnership with Birnie Bus. The transportation is to and from the 15K Start Line & the Post Race Party area after the Finish Line.

Volunteers are primarily responsible for managing this bus transportation with communication to the running participants as well as managing Red Zone Parking for Finish Line officials and volunteers.


Start Line (Dwyer Avenue & Pitcher Street in Utica, NY) and Finish Line/Post Race Party area (Whitesboro Street in Utica, NY)

Communications (Private Group)

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


Supply, program, tune and distribute portable two-way radios & headsets to EMS, Start & Finish Line, Security etc. Supply and install mobile radios in the public safety command post. Be on call all weekend in case of equipment failure.

Corporate Cup Challenge

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


Corporate Cup Volunteers assist with distribution of Corporate Cup runners race swag and the handling of any of their questions at the Expo as well as managing team rosters, and helping with the post race award ceremony.


In the Performance Gym (old gym) at the Mohawk Valley Community College Utica Campus

Course Marshalls in Elite Runner Area

At least 11 more volunteers needed.


Volunteers provide security and a safety zone around Elite Runners and Wheelchair participants for warm-ups before the start of the race.


15K Start Line Area located along Culver Avenue in between Dwyer Ave and Beechgrove in Utica.

Elite Runner Accommodations (Password protected)

At least 8 more volunteers needed.

Elite Runner Logistics (Password Protected)

At least 13 more volunteers needed.

Elite Runner Transport Services

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


Volunteers provide transportation to and from airport for Elite Runners prior to and following the race.


At least 172 more volunteers needed.


Course Entertainment volunteers include bands, DJs, musicians, radio stations, dance troupes, and noise-making talent along the course.


All along the 15K course from start (Culver Ave & Beechgrove) to finish (Court Street & Schuyler Ave)

Finisher's Medal (15K), Finisher's Pin (5K), & Towel Distribution

At least 17 more volunteers needed.


~Set up chutes after Finish Line on Varick Street for distribution of race incentives.
~Distribute Finisher's Pins (5K), Finisher's Medals (15K) & towels at the end of chutes.
~Provide support and assistance as needed.


Finish Line - Varick Street near intersection with Edward Street

Finish Line Set-up

At least 93 more volunteers needed.


Set-up and breakdown of Finish Line area


Court Street between Schuyler and Sunset

Goody Bag Distribution

July 11, 2025

July 12, 2025

July 13, 2025


Volunteers provide all 15K and 5K runners with their Incentive Bag which contains their Boilermaker Glass, Program book, etc.

Volunteers greet runners, check bib numbers and pass out bags and also assemble bags, stock supplies and break down boxes for recycling.


Mohawk Valley Community College Campus - Jorgensen Field House

Green Team - Expo Area

July 12, 2025

July 13, 2025


Volunteers needed to clean-up of Expo area inside Jorgensen Center, the Quad and the Kids Run finish line area.


Mohawk Valley Community College Campus

Green Team - Post Race Party

At least 25 more volunteers needed.


Volunteers needed to monitor designated waste stations throughout the party. This involves simply removing full bags (place them behind station) & replacing them with new bags. In addition, educating participants about which bin to properly place their waste for recycling. Sunday from 6:00am to noon


Post race party is held in the area behind the FX Matt Brewing company and Boilermaker Square Park which flank Columbia Street.

Ham Radios

At least 7 more volunteers needed.


Provides additional support throughout the race. Must be a registered Ham radio operator

Hydration Set-Up (Password Protected)

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Provide water and materials to water stations along the course.

ICAN/Children's Museum Sqwincher Station

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Sqwincher is an electrolyte replacement drink that will serve as an alternative to plain water. Signage will alert runners that it is not water.


Memorial Parkway a block from Parkway Rec Center.

Information Booth

At least 9 more volunteers needed.


Help runners and visitors with information about the race, EXPO, directions and general knowledge of the surrounding areas.


Mohawk Valley Community College Campus
Lobby of Performance Gym of Jorgensen Center

At least 9 more volunteers needed.


This Committee is vital in various areas such as setting up and breaking down the Boilermaker specific portions of the Expo and moving materials to various sites prior to the race.


Boilermaker offices at 805 Court Street
Mohawk Valley Community College (Jorgensen Center)

Massage Therapist/Chiropractic Tent (password protected)

At least 25 more volunteers needed.


This is a closed group only available by password and through affiliation with our official massage therapist.


Boilermaker Square Park, Columbia St, Utica

McDonald's PRP Distribution (Private Group)

At least 9 more volunteers needed.


Distribute Chocolate Milk to Runners at Finish Line. McDonald's personnel.


Intersection of Varick & Cooper Streets

Media (Private Group)

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Private Committee

Media Vehicles (Password Protected)

At least 2 more volunteers needed.

Medical Tent (Password Protected)

At least 200 more volunteers needed.


This is a closed group only available by password and through affiliation with our medical director. Only register for this task if you work in the MEDICAL TENTS.

Medical On-Course Support (Password Protected)

Minimum met.


This task is for those who work on the course providing medical support, NOT in medical tents.


July 11, 2025

July 12, 2025

July 13, 2025


Volunteers help with cash register, sales, and stocking merchandise at the Boilermaker Store in the EXPO on Friday and Saturday and on race day (Sunday morning) at the Post Race Party.

Date & Times Needed:
Friday - Noon to 7:00pm (MVCC)
Saturday - 8:00am to 4:00 (MVCC)
Sunday - 8:00am to Noon

NOTE: Please select all shifts you are available to work. If you'd like to volunteer for a full 8-hour shift (vs. the 4-hour shift), select both 4-hour shifts on that day.


Mohawk Valley Community College Campus
Post Race Party area - lower garage behind FX Matt Brewing Company along Columbia Street


At least 5 more volunteers needed.


Volunteers needed to help direct and park cars with Red Zone passes to appropriate areas. Volunteers help keep runners, spectators, and other volunteers safe by staffing traffic check points that deter motorists from driving into the course. Also assist EMS Response vehicles getting through crowd to assist runners in distress

Pepsi Distribution (Private Group)

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Limited to Pepsi Employees only. Distribute product at Post Race Party

Photographer (Password Protected)

Minimum met, 9 volunteer spots remaining.


Photograph all aspects of race weekend at the direction of the volunteer coordinator and Boilermaker marketing team


Start lines, finish line, Varick Street, all along the course, Post Race Party (awards presentation, etc.)

Race Day Hospitality - Sponsors & VIP's (Password Protected)

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Assist with any needs required for the Race Day Hospitality area designed for Sponsors, VIP's and their guests


Back lot of F.X. Matt Brewing Company located on Columbia Street, Utica, NY

Race Safety (Password Protected)

Minimum met.


Private Group


At least 1 more volunteer needed.

Solutions Desk (Password Protected)

Minimum met.

Start Line Course Marshalls

At least 24 more volunteers needed.


Our job is to promote safety and security for all runners from the time they arrive at the 15K Start Area until the race begins. Keeping runners in their proper corrals based on seeding and keeping non-runners out of staging area.


15K Start Line is located near the intersection of Culver & Dwyer Avenues in Utica, NY

Traffic and Safety

At least 25 more volunteers needed.

Volunteer Party

At least 8 more volunteers needed.


Assist coordinator with the various tasks associated with the setup and breakdown of the Volunteer Party held on the Monday evening after race day.


ADK Bank Center, Oriskany Blvd, Utica, NY

Varick Street (Edward to Columbia Streets) High Priority

At least 28 more volunteers needed.


Volunteers will set up stations, keep them stocked, and hand out various items (i.e. snack bags, water, popsicles, chocolate milk, etc.) to runners on their way to the post race party along Varick Street after they cross the finish line.

Once the runners have cleared (10:30am to 11:00am), they break down the stations, clean up the area, and return any unused items to the Boilermaker office.


Varick Street to Columbia Street to Post Race Party (back of F.X. Matt Brewing Company)

Volunteer Tent at Post Race Party

At least 4 more volunteers needed.


Assist coordinator with the various tasks associated with the setup and breakdown of the Volunteer Tent at the post race party on race day.


Tent is located in the backlot of the F.X. Matt Brewing Company, Columbia Street, Utica, NY at the post race party.

Walk (Presented by SDMG)

At least 20 more volunteers needed.


Walk is held on Saturday of Race Weekend at the Expo (MVCC). Participants receive a Walk Bib and Commemorative Pin. Volunteers needed to:
~Packet Pick Up on Friday and Saturday of the Expo (Friday Noon to 7pm, Saturday 8:00am to 10:45am)
~Set up & breakdown start/finish area (arch, sound system, hydration, hand out Finisher's Pins, etc.)
~Set up, man & breakdown water stop in between T.R. Proctor Park & F.T. Proctor Park
~Set up & breakdown lawn signs along the course
~Provide guidance and direction along the course (help crossing Culver Ave, etc.)


Walk starts at MVCC and winds through Proctor Park looping back to MVCC Campus for finish

WalMart Volunteers (Private Group)

Minimum met, 49 volunteer spots remaining.


WalMart volunteers pack boxes with all volunteer t-shirts


WalMart Distribution Center

Wheelchair Event

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


Volunteer for this committee provide:
Transportation of Athletes
Coordinate local accommodations for athletes
Provide support at the Expo
Accompany athletes to and during pre-race and post-finish events.

Wurth Sqwincher Station Post Race Party)

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


Northern Safety provides Squincher product at the Start and Finish Linea

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


Water Station hosted by ARC

WS-Bank of America

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


Water Station hosted by Bank of America (Also The Genesis Group)


Valley View Rd - Overlook Point

WS-Catskill Water/Passalacqua & Assoc

At least 25 more volunteers needed.


Water stop hosted by Getaway Travel & Catskill Water


Genesee St near Pin-O- Rama

WS-Coldwell Banker

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


Water Stop hosted by Coldwell Banker Faith Properties


Upper Parkway /Steele Hill Rd

WS-Elks Club

Minimum met, 21 volunteer spots remaining.


Water Station hosted by Elks Club


Elks Club on Champlain Ave

WS-Finish Line Resurrection Church

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


Water Station hosted by Resurrection Life Church at Finish Line


Varick St

WS-Genesis Group

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


Water Station hosted by Genesis Group (with Bank of America)


Valley View Golf Course/Overlook Point

WS-House of the Good Shepard

At least 20 more volunteers needed.


Water Station - Sponsored by The House of the Good Shepherd


Champlin Ave in front of The House of the Good Shepherd.


At least 6 more volunteers needed.


Water Station hosted by Kiwanis Club



WS-MetLife/Harry's Brakes

At least 25 more volunteers needed.


Water Station by MetLife & Harry's Brakes


Whitesboro St and McBride

WS-New Vision - Excelsior Chapter Pioneers

At least 6 more volunteers needed.


Water Station hosted by New Vision - Excelsior Chapter Pioneers


Shepard Place at Genesee St

WS-Nimey Auto

At least 9 more volunteers needed.


Water Station


Located at Nimey's Auto at the Start Line


At least 23 more volunteers needed.


Water Stop hosted by NYS Dept of Transportation


Burrstone Rd at Utica College

WS-1-Up Wellness

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


Mile 1 Water Station at Marr-Logg Restaurant on Culver Ave


Culver Ave

WS- Oneida County

At least 7 more volunteers needed.


Water Station hosted by Oneida County Health employees


Located on Whitesboro St and the Kernan Firehouse.


At least 28 more volunteers needed.


Provides water to runners at the start of the 5K Race and for all 15K runners.


5K Start Line area (Burrstone Road)

WS-Utica University

At least 11 more volunteers needed.


Water Station hosted by Utica University Alumni Assoc


Champlin Ave & Utica University

WS-Utica Rotary

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


Water Station hosted by Utica Rotary


Parkway Rec Center

WS-Valley View Volunteers

At least 25 more volunteers needed.


Water Station hosted by Valley View Volunteers


Utica Parks Garage

WS-Yorkville Fire Department

At least 8 more volunteers needed.


Hosted by Yorkville Fire Dept Friends


Champlin & Graham Ave

WS-15K Start

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Provide water to runners at start line 15K


Located at15k Start area

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