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Packet Pick Up

Early Packet PIck Up- Thursday

March 13, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Check in racers, distribute bibs and shirts. Assist with new registrations.


Fleet Feet in Brentwood

Early Packet Pick up- Friday

March 14, 2025


Check in racers, distribute bibs and shirts. Assist with new registrations.


Shelby Park at the Pavilion.

Packet Pick Up / Late Registration- race morning

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Check in racers, distribute bibs and shirts. Assist with new registrations.


Shelby Park - Riverview Pavilion

Bag Drop/Gear Check

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Athletes will have a gear drop ticket on their bibs and may choose to leave a drop bag the Riverview Pavilion. Collect bags before race. Move all bags to the Concierge tent. Runners will pick up their bags at the Concierge tent after the race.
Note: At pick up, make sure the ticket numbers match the runner's bib numbers.


Shelby Park at Riverview Pavilion.


March 15, 2025


We'll need a handful of flexible Volunteers race morning! This is a fun task as you just don't know what you'll have the opportunity to do! Wear your green and come join the fun!


Shelby Park Riverview Pavilion

Course Sentries

Course Sentries- Section 1

March 15, 2025


Provide course directions at key intersections. Cheer for racers and provide encouragement. This section is on the Half, 10k and 5k course.
Note: The 10k runners will run a second loop on the 5k course. Course Sentries should remain in place until the 10k DLPF lets them know the last runner has passed.


These 6 spots are located around the lake on the first 1.5 miles of the course. These spots are a short walk from the Riverview Pavilion!

Course Sentries- Section 2

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Provide course directions at key intersections. Cheer for racers and provide encouragement. This section is on the Half, 10k and 5k course.


These 5 spots are located between mile 1.5 and mile 3 of the Half/10k/5k course and are a short walk from the Riverview Pavilion or Nature Center parking area.

Course Sentries- Section 3

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025


Provide course directions at key intersections. Cheer for racers and provide encouragement. These spots are on the Half marathon course, 2.8 and 3.5 miles from the start/finish line. Volunteers in this section should plan to walk from the Forest Green Trailhead to these spots.


These spots are located between mile 3 and mile 7.5 of the Half marathon course. One spot is located at .47 mile (short walk) from the Forest Green Trailhead. Two spots are located at the Cumberland River Pedestrian Bridge which is a short 1.2 mile walk from the Forest Green Trailhead OR 2.8 mile bike ride from the Start/Finish area OR a short walk from Wave Country off Two Rivers Pkwy.

Course Sentries- Section 4

March 15, 2025


Provide course directions at key intersections. Cheer for racers and provide encouragement. Half marathon runners will pass you. This section is on the Half marathon course.


These 5-6 spots are walking distance from the Cornelia Fort Airpark parking area!

Water Stations

Water Station #1 (Wolfe PT)

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Prepare water and energy drink for self-serve aid station. Replenish as necessary. Cheer for and encourage participants! Clean area and water stop supplies when done and pickup cups for disposal. Helpful Set up / Clean up instructions provided in the Water Station supply kit.

Note: This station serves the half marathon and 5k participants only once. The 10k runners will run the 5k course twice.


Water station #1 is located at approximately mile 1.5 right before racers leave the park and head out on the Shelby Bottoms Greenway. This station is within walking distance of the Start/Finish area.

Water Station #2 (Troop 9)

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Prepare water and energy drink for self-serve aid station. Replenish as necessary. Cheer for and encourage participants! Clean area and water stop supplies when done and pickup cups for disposal. Helpful Set up / Clean up instructions provided in the Water Station supply kit.

This station serves the half marathon participants only.
Participants will pass this station twice.
#1 pass: on the way out on the Greenway.
#2 pass: on the way back on the Greenway toward the finish line.


Water station #2 is located at the Fortland Spur at mile 2.75 on the half marathon course.

Water Station #3 (Troop 157)

March 15, 2025


Prepare water and energy drink for self-serve aid station. Replenish as necessary. Cheer for and encourage participants! Clean area and water stop supplies when done and pickup cups for disposal. Helpful Set up / Clean up instructions provided in the Water Station supply kit.

This station serves the Half Marathon participants only.
The Half marathon participants will pass this station 2 times.
#1 pass: on the Greenway at mile 4 on their way out (keeping right)
#2 pass: at mile 10.75 on their return from Cornelia Fort Airpark to make a right on the Greenway toward the finish line.


Water station #3 is located at approximately mile 4 at the Shadow Lane Spur before the #5 bridge.

Water Station #4 (Troop 9)

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Prepare water and energy drink for self-serve aid station. Replenish as necessary. Cheer for and encourage participants! Clean area and water stop supplies when done and pickup cups for disposal. Helpful Set up / Clean up instructions provided in the Water Station supply kit.

This station will serve the Half Marathon participants only once.


Water station #4 is located on the Shelby Bottoms Greenway at the intersection of Forrest Green loop trailhead and Shelby Bottoms Greenway at approximately mile 6.
Parking suggestion: Forrest Green Drive Trailhead.

Water Station #5 (Troop 157)

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Prepare water and energy drink for self-serve aid station. Replenish as necessary. Cheer for and encourage participants! Clean area and water stop supplies when done and pickup cups for disposal. Helpful Set up / Clean up instructions provided in the Water Station supply kit.

The Half marathon participants will pass this station twice.
#1 pass: on the Greenway on as they begin their counter clockwise loop at the Airpark.
#2 pass: on their way back out of Cornelia Fort Airpark as the runners continue back onto Shelby Bottoms Greenway.


Water station #5 is located on the Shelby Bottoms Greenway close to the entrance to the Cornelia Fort Airpark at approximately mile 8.5.

Bike Support

Bike Lead- Half Marathon Course

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Experienced cyclist to lead the half marathon participants on the half marathon course. Responsibilities include asking other participants to move to the side to allow you and the lead runner to pass safely.


Shelby Park - Riverview Pavilion

Bike Lead- 10k Course

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Experienced cyclist to lead the 10k participants on the 10k course. Responsibilities include asking other participants to move to the side to allow you and the lead runner to pass safely.


Shelby Park - Riverview Pavilion

Bike Lead- 5k Course

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Experienced cyclist to lead the 5k participants on the 5k course. Responsibilities include asking other participants to move to the side to allow you and the lead runner to pass safely.


Shelby Park - Riverview Pavilion


Half Marathon- Designated Last Place Finisher Medium Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


The Half Marathon Designated Last Place Finisher will be the last person to complete the Half Marathon Course.


Shelby Park - Riverview Pavilion

10k- Designated Last Place Finisher Medium Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


The 10k Designated Last Place Finisher will be the last person to complete the 10k Course.


Shelby Park - Riverview Pavilion

5k- Designated Last Place Finisher Medium Priority

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


The 5k Designated Last Place Finisher will be the last person to complete the 5k Course.


Shelby Park - Riverview Pavilion

Post Race

Finish Line- (Wolfe PT)

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Provide finisher medal, water and/or energy drink to participants after they cross the finish line. Direct participants to the Post-Race Area for refreshments and other festivities.


Shelby Park where Davidson Road ends at the ballfields, in front of Riverview Pavilion.

Photo Booth Host

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Such a fun job! This person(s) will assist participants with photo booth props and take their photo! No photographer experience necessary!


Shelby Park - Riverview Pavilion

Post Race Food Area

March 15, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Assist with setting up the post race food area. Collect food tickets from Runners race bib to enter food area. Volunteers will have a wristband to enter the food area. Each person is limited to one sandwich and one drink.


Shelby Park - Riverview Pavilion

Beer Garden

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 15, 2025


Must be 21 and older. Assist with checking IDs, supporting vendor and making sure no beer leaves the designated area.


Shelby Park near Riverview Pavilion

Breakdown/Clean Up Crew

March 15, 2025


Assist with clean up of race course and main venue to include; folding soft fencing, breaking down tents, stacking polls, picking up trash and loading equipment on to Magic Sports trailers. The goal is to beat last year's record for fastest clean up!


Shelby Park - Riverview Pavilion

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