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Ashley Whitney Music City Triathlon

Sun June 1, 2025 Nashville, TN 37213 US Directions

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May 30, 2025


Assist with setting up the transition area including moving and setting up bike racks, soft fencing, tents, tables, etc...


In parking lot on the south side of Nissan Stadium between the pedestrian bridge and the Stadium.


Packet Pickup/Late Registration-Saturday

May 31, 2025


Check in racers, distribute bibs, packets, and shirts.
Assist with new registrations.


Located at Race Village, on the lawn on the South side of Nissan Stadium.


May 31, 2025


Assist in directing all arriving athletes to rack their bikes on temporary bike racks BEFORE heading to packet pickup. May also answer questions from arriving participants and spectators.


Located near the packet pick up area on the lawn on the south side of Nissan Stadium

Bike Check In

May 31, 2025


Help check in bikes and racers into Transition. Only participants, staff & volunteers are permitted in the Transition area.


Transition area located in parking lot between south side of Nissan Stadium and pedestrian bridge.


Packet Pick up/Late Registration-Sunday

June 1, 2025


Check in racers, distribute bibs, packets, and shirts.
Assist with new registrations.


Located at Race Village, on the lawn on the South side of Nissan Stadium.

Transition Area

June 1, 2025


Check in bikes, direct participants where to go in and around transition. Only participants, staff and volunteers are permitted in the transition area. Triathlon experience is helpful.


Located in parking lot between south side of Nissan Stadium and pedestrian bridge.

Volunteer Tent

June 1, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This person will help with Volunteer check in and Tshirt distribution and answer race related questions.


Red Volunteer Tent on the lawn on the South side of Nissan Stadium.


Kayak/Canoe Support

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 1, 2025


Assist participants by being in a Kayak, Canoe or SUP in the water to help in case of emergency. Must supply your own Kayak, Canoe or SUP and life jacket, paddle, etc.
Swift water experience not required but helpful.


On the cement boat ramp at the Riverfront area along Titans Way behind Nissan Stadium.

Swim Start

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 1, 2025


Assist with lining up participants in the correct order according to their race number.
Make sure that participants are in the correct location according to race distance: sprint or Olympic. May also be asked to help with breakdown of the swim area.


Riverfront area

Swim Exit

June 1, 2025


Assist participants with exiting the water onto the exit boat ramp.
May require being in the water. May also be asked to assist with breakdown of swim exit area.


Riverfront area

Swim Exit "Clickers"

June 1, 2025


Assist with manual "back up" count/timing of swimmers exiting the water. May also be asked to assist with breakdown of the swim exit area.


At the Sprint/Olympic Swim Exit on the cement boat ramp at the river front area.

Swim Exit/Spectator Crossing

June 1, 2025


Make sure the racers exiting the water are heading up the hill to Transition safely.
Directing spectators when it is safe to cross. May also be asked to assist with breakdown of the swim area.


This will be up the hill from the swim exit, near the cement sidewalk. There will be an opening in the fencing for spectators to pass thru.


Bike Course Sentry 1

June 1, 2025


Are you fun AND loud? Direct bikers coming out of transition to mount their bikes at the mount line then head down Victory Ave towards S 2nd St. Will also direct returning bikers to dismount at the dismount line. Fun spot with lots of action and close to the main site area!


This position is located at the beginning of the bike course at the mount/dismount line on Victory Ave.

Bike Course Sentry 2

June 1, 2025


Direct returning bikers to slow down for the dismount line.


This position is located on Victory Ave close to the Transition exit.

Bike Course Sentry 3

June 1, 2025


Direct racers to turn right onto S 2nd St from Victory Ave. Will have returning racers here too. Lots of action here!


This position is located at the corner of Victory Ave and S 2nd St.

Bike Course Sentry 4 - Olympic Turnaround at race site

June 1, 2025


Returning Olympic racers turnaround and head out to start their second loop. The returning Sprint racers turn left onto Victory Ave. Lots of action here!


This will be located on S 2nd Street.

Bike Course Sentry 5

June 1, 2025


Direct racers to turn left onto Shelby Avenue from S 2nd St. Will also direct returning racers to turn right onto S 2nd Street! Lots of action here!


This is located at the corner of S 2nd St and Shelby Avenue.

Bike Course Sentry 6

June 1, 2025


Direct racers coming from Shelby Avenue to turn left on Interstate Drive. Will also have returning racers coming out of Interstate Drive, turning right on Shelby Avenue heading back! Fun intersection with lots of action!


This will be located at the corner of Shelby Avenue and Interstate Drive.

Bike Course Sentry 7

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 1, 2025


Direct racers to turn right onto Woodland from Interstate Drive. Returning racers turn left onto Interstate Drive from Woodland. Police presence here as well. Lots of action here!


This will be located at the corner of Woodland and Interstate Drive.

Bike Course Sentry 8

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 1, 2025


Direct racers onto S 5th once they exit Ellington Pkwy. Fantastic location to take great action photos!


This will be located at the top of the EXIT ramp on Ellington Pkwy.

Bike Course Sentry 9 - CONE/SIGN PLACEMENT

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 1, 2025


Ride with Team Magic staff to assist with sign and cone placement, then direct racers at the BIKE TURNAROUND (Ellington/Briarville rd) during the race. Following the last biker, assist staff with loading up cones and signs along the course into the truck. This Volunteer can park at Nissan Stadium and ride with TM staff to Ellington Pkwy.


Along Ellington Pkwy before race start, then during race, at the bike turnaround at intersection of Ellington Parkway, where it turns into Briarville Road.


Run Course Sentry 1

June 1, 2025


Provide course directions at key intersections.
Cheer for racers and provide encouragement.


This will be at the Run Out location from transition.

Run Course Sentry 2

June 1, 2025


Cheer for runners and keep them moving in the right direction.


This spot is located under the Pedestrian Bridge.

Run Course Sentry 3

June 1, 2025


Olympic runners turnaround to start second loop under the KVB Bridge.


This spot is located under the Korean Vets Bridge on Davidson Street.

Run Course Sentry 4

June 1, 2025


Cheer for runners and keep them moving in the right direction.


This spot is located at the 5K and 10K turnaround, at the water stop on Davidson Street at the entrance to Shelby Park.


Water Station 1 - (Working Triathlete)

June 1, 2025


Prepare and hand out water/sports drink to passing participants.
Clean and pickup cups for disposal.
Cheer on and encourage participants.


Located under Korean Veteran's Bridge after runners exit Transition.

Water Station 2- (MidTN Multisport)

June 1, 2025


Prepare and hand out water/sports drink to passing participants.
Clean and pickup cups for disposal.
Cheer on and encourage participants.


Located on Davidson St., between 5th and 6th Ave.

Water Station 3 - NTC

June 1, 2025


Prepare and hand out water/sports drink to passing participants.
Clean and pickup cups for disposal.
Cheer on and encourage participants.


Located on Davidson St., at the 5K turnaround, just before entering Shelby Park.


Finish Line

June 1, 2025


Provide finisher medal, water and sports drink to participants after they cross the finish line. Direct participants to the Post-Race Area for refreshments and other festivities.


Victory Avenue on the South side of Nissan Stadium

Post-Race Food Area

June 1, 2025


Assist with setting up the post race food area.
Check in racers and volunteers.
Must have a Food ticket from their race bib or wrist band to enter food area. Because we only order one meal per racer, each person is limited to one sandwich.
Participants are welcome to take more than one beverage, for example, a water and a sports drink or a water and soft drink.


Located at Race Village, on the lawn on the South side of Nissan Stadium.

Beer Garden

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

June 1, 2025


Assist in checking ID's, make sure all beer stays inside of the fenced beer garden.


Located at Race Village, on the lawn on the South side of Nissan Stadium.

Photo Booth Host

June 1, 2025


Assist racers with our Team Magic photo booth-taking pictures, directing them to our social media, and to our tent with other race opportunities.


Located at Race Village, near the awards, on the lawn on the South side of Nissan Stadium.

Breakdown/Clean Up

June 1, 2025


Assist with clean up of race course and main venue to include, breaking down transition racks, tents, tables, picking up trash and loading equipment on to Team Magic trailers.


Transition area located in parking lot between south side of Nissan Stadium and pedestrian bridge.


DLPF - Olympic distance

June 1, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Designated Last Place Finisher to assist with encouraging the back of the pack to keep moving forward toward the Finish Line. You get to come in last for the Olympic distance!


South side of Nissan Stadium.

DLPF- Sprint distance

June 1, 2025


Designated Last Place Finisher to assist with encouraging the back of the pack to keep moving forward toward the Finish Line. You get to come in last for the Sprint distance!


Nissan Stadium

National Anthem Singer

June 1, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Sing the National Anthem to start the race.


Olympic distance: On the General Jackson.
Sprint distance: Near the Sprint start.

Visually Impaired Racer Guide

June 1, 2025


Provide race support for a visually impaired racer.


Race site

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