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Thu November 27, 2025 Woodinville, WA 98072 US Directions
Thanksgiving morning begins at 9AM
with the Woodinville High School Marching Band Parade (wear your costume), Kids Dash, chip-timed 5K, and age group awards!
Bring the whole family!


5K Run/Walk

$35 9:00AM PST - 12:00PM PST Price increases after October 4, 2025 at 11:59pm PDT

Kid's Dash

$5 8:45AM PST - 9:00AM PST Registration ends November 27, 2025 at 11:59pm PST
Open to ages 1 - 6.



 The Annual Woodinville Turkey Trot is ready to roll this year!     We are planning of having the Kids Parade again this year led by the Woodinville HS Marching band.  At our Kids Dash the kids 6 and under will run a short course of about 200 yards on the trail and finish under the start/finish arch.   The morning should be a great way to get your Thanksgiving Day off to a great start before that all important turkey dinner.  

This year we will have 2 different events including:

1.      5K at Wilmot Park 

2.      Virtual 5K

3.       Kid's Dash

Our event continues to be hosted by Woodinville Running Company with a portion of the proceeds and 100% of the sponsorship dollars going to the Woodinville HS Boosters Wrestling Team.    Look for the t-shirt reveal soon.  

As for the events

5K at Wilmot Park

The 5K will begin run after we complete the Kids Dash which should be approximately 9:15am.  The course is a flat, fast out and back course on the Sammamish River trail.  Runners will organized by running pace so please seat yourself accordingly.  Your official time won't begin until you've reached the timing mats under the arch.

Virtual 5k

The Virtual 5k is the same as last year and this allows you to pick your own course and run or walk 3.1 miles and then submit your time.  This is a great option for those who want to social distance, but still have a goal to shoot for and get a great running shirt!  This category is not eligible for the age group 

This year’s Turkey Trot is going to be a great event.  We are excited to be Wilmot Park and being together in beautiful downtown Woodinville with friends and family on Thanksgiving morning.  So, let’s have fun, stay safe and be thankful for the many blessings of what went well this year.


Wilmot Gateway Park
17301 131st Ave NE
Woodinville, WA US 98072


Early registration:                       Jan 1 - Oct 5
   5K/Virtual 5K                                              $35 
Regular Registration:                  Oct 6- Nov 24
    5K                                                             $40        (includes T-shirt until 11/7)  
Late Registration:                         Nov.   25-26
    5K                                                             $45 

Day of Registration                         Nov 27-28                                                                                                                                                             5K                                                              $50







Packet Pick Up

Packet Pick-Up
Wed. Nov. 26
       3-5 PM
21 Acres
13701 NE 171st St
Woodinville, WA 98072

Course Map


Race Day Schedule

This is a chipped timed event so no need to worry about getting across the start line quickly.  The trail is narrow, so let the faster runners out front and run/walk with the group that is similar pace.  

Race Day Schedule - Thanksgiving morning 

                            7:30 am                Packet pickup opens

                            8:45 am                Packet pickup closes

                             8:40 am                Parade line up

                                                          All runners/walkers/Parade participants go to north end of Wilmot Park near bathrooms.                                                                                          Start underneath the arch.

                             8:45 am              Parade begins

                             9:00 am               Kids Dash begins 

                             9:10 am               Line up by wave for 5k race 

                                                         - Runners will line up by their expected running pace and waves will start on 1 minute intervals. 

                                                         - This is a chip timed event and your time will start when you cross the start line.

                            9:15 am                 5K starts 

                          10:15 am                 Awards ceremony starts

                          11:00 am                 Event concludes (after last runner has finished)


Thanksgiving Day Parade

The Woodinville Turkey Trot Parade is an event for all of us to participate in!  This Parade marches the kids to the start of the Kids Dash and you don't watch the Parade, "YOU ARE THE PARADE!"  Wear your festive Thanksgiving attire, grab a friend or family member and join the Woodinville HS Marching Band and the WHS Mascot- The Falcon for this special event!

We will have a BEST DRESSED COUPLE COSTUME , BEST YOUTH COSTUME and BEST FAMILY Costume prizes!  So come dressed and ready for the parade


Race Start

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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We will be giving the following award for the 5K event
Top Male & Female
6-14     Male & Female
15-19     Male & Female
20-29    Male & Female
30-39    Male & Female
40-49    Male & Female
50-59    Male & Female
60-69    Male & Female
70+      Male & Female

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Strollers allowed on the course?

Yes, but we ask you to start in the rear of the event to prevent any injuries.

Are dogs allowed on the course?

No, it's too dangerous with the number of people, size of path and our insurance does not cover it.




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