Do you own a business or have connections to someone that may be willing to support our cause? Sponsorships will help this inaugural event be successful while promoting your business or highlighting your family. Sponsor early for greatest exposure-- message us at chocolatechase916@gmail.com today. Thank you for your support!
Gold $5000:
-Company logo on promotional materials and website
-Logo placement on finish line structure
-Logo placement on t-shirts
-10’x20’ booth space
-Six complimentary race entries
Silver $2500:
-Company logo on promotional materials and website
-Logo placement on finish line structure
-Logo placement on t-shirts
-10’x10’ booth space
-Four complimentary race entries
Bronze $1000:
-Company logo on promotional materials and website
-Logo placement on t-shirts
-10’x10’ booth space
-Two complimentary race entries
Friends & Family $500:
-Individual or Family Name placement on t-shirts
-Four complimentary race entries
Vendor $250:
Booth space in Crocker Park (includes 6’ table and two chairs).
Non-profit Vendor $25:
Booth space in Crocker Park (includes 6’ table and two chairs).