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Run AWAY 5K Runners/Walkers

$40 7:30AM EDT - 9:00AM EDT Registration ends April 5, 2025 at 8:30am EDT
Open to ages 11 - 99.

Run AWAY 5K YOUTH Runners/Walkers (10 & Under)

$15 7:30AM EDT - 9:00AM EDT Registration ends April 5, 2025 at 7:30am EDT
Open to ages 10 and under.

Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County

The Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County (SWA) is the governmental agency responsible for providing an economical and environmentally conscious integrated solid waste management system for Palm Beach County, Florida. With approximately 400 employees, the SWA provides solid waste disposal and recycling services and programs to the county's 1.5 million residents and businesses.

The SWA also provides solid waste and recycling collection services to the residents and businesses in unincorporated Palm Beach County through private haulers under exclusive franchise agreements.

The agency was recently recognized by the Florida Department of Enivronmental Protection for exceeding the state's recycling goal. Through a robust education program, the agency continually informs the public how to Recycle Right, ensuring Palm Beach County's recycling rate will remain among the highest in the state.

Resource Depot

Proceeds from the SWA Run AWAY 5K benefit Resource Depot, the only creative reuse and environmental education center in all of South Florida. Resource Depot’s cause promotes a lifestyle that reduces garbage going into the ground and REimagines a Palm Beach County where simplicity fosters equality and everyone feels they have plenty -- and plenty to share. The robust student afterschool and summer education programs are building a generation of children who will be eco-conscious adults through early adoption of environmentally-friendly behaviors.

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Grassy Waters Preserve

Grassy Waters Preserve is a 23 square mile wetlands ecosystem that serves as the freshwater supply for the City of West Palm Beach and the towns of South Palm Beach and Palm Beach Island. Historically, Grassy Waters was both a key component of the Greater Everglades watershed and the headwaters of the Northwest Fork of the Loxahatchee River.

The continued pristine beauty of Grassy Waters Preserve is thanks to the Department of Public Utilities Watershed Management Division.

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