2019 Series Male Age 50 - 54 Results

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PlaceFirst NameLast NameGenderAgeAge GroupHometownPoints
1RudyMontoyaMale50M50-54Fresno, CA US28
2ScottLucchesiMale52M50-54Fresno, CA US15
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3SalRodriguezMale53M50-54 US12
4StevenMonkeMale50M50-54Clovis, CA US12
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5AlejandroContrerasMale53M50-54Fresno, CA US9
6GILBERTRIVASMale51M50-54Hanford, CA US8
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7ScottHarlanMale50M50-54Fresno, CA US7
8DWIGHTTIUMale51M50-54Palatka, FL US6
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9PeterFishMale53M50-54Modesto, CA US6
10SalvadorRodriguezMale53M50-54Clovis, CA US6
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11AlanWongMale50M50-54Fresno, CA US6
12FelipePedrazaMale50M50-54Clovis, CA US6
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13JimRoelandtMale50M50-54Fresno, CA US6
14MichaelDiazMale54M50-54Fresno, CA US6
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15LeoCastilloMale52M50-54Fresno, CA US6
16barryvinceMale53M50-54Long Beach, CA US5
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17ErwinTiburcioMale52M50-54Fresno, CA US5
18CesarVazquezMale54M50-54Fresno, CA US5
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19DonaldTiuMale52M50-54Aston, PA US4
20MarkBarrettMale54M50-54Fresno, CA US4
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21ScottHellamMale53M50-54Fresno, CA US4
22DavidVeneskiMale52M50-54Fresno, CA US4
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23TimGreilichMale54M50-54Fresno, CA US4
24DanielRodarteMale51M50-54Madera, CA US3
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25DeepinderGrewalMale51M50-54Fresno, CA US3
26SergioLopezMale51M50-54Fresno, CA US3
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27DeanTriplettMale52M50-54fresno, CA US2
28Kelly LJonesMale52M50-54Selma, CA US2
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29MarlonSingMale52M50-54Clovis, CA US2
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31TimBrownMale52M50-54Fresno, CA US1
32JamesAllisonMale50M50-54Fresno, CA US1
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33ArielTorresMale53M50-54Fresno, CA US1
34VicenteSantiagoMale52M50-54Fresno, CA US1
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35AjithWeerasingheMale50M50-54Fresno, CA US1
36JoelLermanMale54M50-54Davis, CA US1
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37JamesRoelandtMale51M50-54Fresno, CA US1
38DonaldMoraMale50M50-54Fairfield, CA US1
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39DarinGreaverMale50M50-54Granada Hills, CA US1
40WayneLongMale53M50-54Clovis, CA US1
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41BobbyKearneyMale52M50-54Clovis, CA US1
42KilyoungBaekMale51M50-54Torrance, CA US1
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43RafaelCovarrubiasMale50M50-54Visalia, CA US1
44PhilBenadumMale53M50-54Dos Palos, CA US1
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45LuisSorianoMale54M50-54Visalia, CA US1
46BrianLovettMale54M50-54Madera, CA US1
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47MichaelGovero CoxMale53M50-54Mckinney, TX US1
48JoeVelezMale50M50-54Fresno, CA US1
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49FrankSierraMale53M50-54Fresno, CA US1
50KeithMiguelMale53M50-54Hughson, CA US1
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51RobertBitnerMale51M50-54Fresno, CA US1
52LaneBaderMale54M50-54Fresno, CA US1
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53TomPeralesMale54M50-54Fresno, CA US1
54ShawnChandlerMale50M50-54Lemoore, CA US1
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55EricAbbottMale54M50-54Clovis, CA US1
56JamesEstesMale52M50-54Madera, CA US1
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57MARKREIDMale53M50-54Fresno, CA US1
58JimmyFLoydMale51M50-54Clovis, CA US1
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59MiguelCatzalcoMale52M50-54Modesto, CA US1
60ChrisDoosMale52M50-54Fresno, CA US1
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61ChrisKirklandMale52M50-54Clovis, CA US1
62GeorgeSwainMale54M50-54Atwater, CA US1
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63RobBallewMale53M50-54Clovis, CA US1
64ArnoldAbinaMale51M50-54Madera, CA US1
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