2023 Series Male Age 30 - 39 Results

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PlaceFirst NameLast NameGenderAgeAge GroupHometownPoints
1RomainNguyenMale38M30-39Berkeley, CA US56
2BrennanJarvisMale32M30-39Santa Clara, CA US40
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3AndrewWilkeyMale30M30-39Hayward, CA US40
4AlejandroReyesMale30M30-39Hayward, CA US35
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5LeiMaoMale34M30-39San Jose, CA US34
6EthanBatraskiMale39M30-39Redwood Shores, CA US31
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7SergioSanabriaMale39M30-39Stanford, CA US22
8RichardHayesMale33M30-39San Francisco, CA US20
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9DavidTranMale35M30-39San Francisco, CA US20
10JonStewartMale35M30-39Sunnyvale, CA US20
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11WyattBeattyMale39M30-39Morgan Hill, CA US20
12YasinAikebaierMale33M30-39SUNNYVALE, CA US20
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13JavierAcostaMale32M30-39Mountain View, CA US20
14DannyMillerMale38M30-39Oakland, CA US20
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15FangYanMale38M30-39San Jose, CA US20
16YihuaGuoMale33M30-39Los Gatos, CA US20
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17AlexandreDavidMale33M30-39San Jose, CA US20
18DerekYarraMale36M30-39San Francisco, CA US20
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19ScottMitchellMale34M30-39East Palo Alto, CA US20
20TylerAustrieMale30M30-39San Francisco, CA US20
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21AlexPlumridgeMale32M30-39Ithaca, NY US20
22DomenicoDavinoMale30M30-39San Carlos, CA US20
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23RyanBoothMale37M30-39San Francisco, CA US20
24MarcoAcevesMale30M30-39San Jose, CA US20
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25CaleyHeekinMale39M30-39San Francisco, CA US20
26JustusRodriguezMale31M30-39Fremont, CA US19
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27BrandonTooMale36M30-39Cupertino, CA US19
28EricChodoroffMale35M30-39Oakland, CA US19
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29BenjaminWalkerMale37M30-39Paso Robles, CA US19
30JamesFarquharMale33M30-39San Jose, CA US19
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31StephanKaiserMale38M30-39San Jose, CA US19
32EvanUmsteadMale32M30-39Hollister, CA US19
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33JoseCoronaMale36M30-39Hollister, CA US19
34EvanEdmistonMale37M30-39Palo Alto, CA US19
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35RichardRheeMale31M30-39Granada Hills, CA US19
36JONATHANQUACHMale33M30-39San Francisco, CA US19
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37ChristopherSondejMale31M30-39San Francisco, CA US19
38BretMerrellMale32M30-39San Mateo, CA US19
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39TommyEvansMale39M30-39San Francisco, CA US19
40OscarAubiMale37M30-39San Mateo, CA US19
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41ChrisDulhantyMale31M30-39San Francisco, CA US19
42HenrikCotranMale34M30-39Sausalito, CA US19
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43MandeKeitaMale35M30-39Belmont, CA US18
44BrianCraneMale38M30-39San Jose, CA US18
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45JPHartiganMale36M30-39Belvedere Tiburon, CA US18
46MorganKatzMale37M30-39Santa Clara, CA US18
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47MichaelHammillMale38M30-39San Jose, CA US18
48ThomasRoemerMale35M30-39San Jose, CA US18
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49ConnorSloneMale31M30-39Mountain View, CA US18
50SeanMejiaMale30M30-39Fremont, CA US18
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51JonathanFelsoMale39M30-39Moraga, CA US18
52JingyuanZhangMale35M30-39Santa Clara, CA US18
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53AndrewJacobsMale30M30-39San Francisco, CA US18
54MikeMatthewsMale36M30-39San Mateo, CA US18
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55AmanNalavadeMale35M30-39Sunnyvale, CA US18
56SeamusDuffyMale38M30-39Forestville, CA US18
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57ConnorMcIntireMale33M30-39Mill Valley, CA US18
58JarrettKrumreiMale33M30-39Sacramento, CA US18
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59AndrewLeMale30M30-39Hayward, CA US17
60TylerMungerMale37M30-39Santa Cruz, CA US17
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61EricGutierrezMale33M30-39San Leandro, CA US17
62RickMedeirosMale33M30-39Hayward, CA US17
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63NayanPatelMale39M30-39San Jose, CA US17
64FabianRodriguezMale32M30-39San Jose, CA US17
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65DerekWardMale34M30-39Brooklyn, NY US17
66DavidGilMale37M30-39San Jose, CA US17
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67MichaelBergerMale34M30-39Union City, CA US17
68WilliamRyanMale31M30-39San Francisco, CA US17
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69GustavoMartinezMale32M30-39San Leandro, CA US17
70SteveKahlMale35M30-39Folsom, CA US17
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71AaronShawMale30M30-39San Francisco, CA US17
72AndrewPetersonMale38M30-39Oakland, CA US17
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73KevinSuhMale31M30-39San Francisco, CA US17
74AustinTylerMale35M30-39San Francisco, CA US17
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75MattCalvertMale39M30-39Oakland, CA US17
76RanvirSinghMale38M30-39Watsonville, CA US16
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77AugustusYuanMale31M30-39Fremont, CA US16
78DanielOchoaMale35M30-39San Jose, CA US16
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79AlbertAbdrashitovMale33M30-39San Jose, CA US16
80BruceLeongMale38M30-39San Jose, CA US16
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81ZihuaWeiMale31M30-39San Carlos, CA US16
82DarioGarcia-DominguezMale30M30-39San Francisco, CA US16
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83ConnorForemanMale30M30-39Fremont, CA US16
84DanielCernaMale35M30-39Union City, CA US16
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85CristianMoralesMale32M30-39Hayward, CA US16
86OwenJamesMale30M30-39Sunnyvale, CA US16
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87PhilipGauthierMale31M30-39Vallejo, CA US16
88AndySmithMale31M30-39San Francisco, CA US16
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89MatthewDrazenovichMale33M30-39San Francisco, CA US16
90JustinHaleMale33M30-39West Sacramento, CA US16
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91BryantLuongMale31M30-39Hayward, CA US16
92PhilipCookseyMale31M30-39Fremont, CA US15
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93DanTruongMale30M30-39San Jose, CA US15
94VictorMerazMale36M30-39San Leandro, CA US15
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95KhesrawNooriMale34M30-39Hayward, CA US15
96AntonioTorresMale33M30-39SAN JOSE, CA US15
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97YixinGengMale34M30-39San Jose, CA US15
98SandorMandokiMale39M30-39San Francisco, CA US15
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99ThaddeusMorrisonMale36M30-39San Ramon, CA US15
100TimothyGowMale33M30-39Oakland, CA US15
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101ShashankThakurMale37M30-39San Jose, CA US15
102DerekLaoMale30M30-39Daly City, CA US15
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103ConnorPikeMale31M30-39San Francisco, CA US15
104JacksonBryant-ComstockMale33M30-39San Francisco, CA US15
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105EUGENEBELLINMale33M30-39Sunnyvale, CA US15
106SebastiánHurtadoMale35M30-39San Jose, CA US15
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107MarkRodriguezMale39M30-39FairfieldFairfield, CA US15
108SinchanBhattacharyaMale32M30-39San Jose, CA US14
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109MarquisDouglasMale33M30-39Richardson, TX US14
110KevinDuperretMale32M30-39Sunnyvale, CA US14
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111OlegAravinMale37M30-39Los Altos, CA US14
112AndrewOlsonMale34M30-39San Jose, CA US14
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113ChristianSolorzanoMale33M30-39Sunnyvale, CA US14
114JesseOsburnMale39M30-39Los Gatos, CA US14
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115MarcPerusseMale38M30-39Nazareth, PA US14
116SAMRUBAEMale33M30-39london, HNS GB14
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117GauravAgarwalMale33M30-39Sunnyvale, CA US14
118XavierescobarMale35M30-39San Francisco, CA US14
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119AlexLockeMale33M30-39San Francisco, CA US14
120AtulMathewMale37M30-39Bangalore, IN14
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121ChristianRamilMale31M30-39San Francisco, CA US14
122HanPendergrassMale37M30-39Santa Rosa, CA US14
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123KamalBenkiranMale31M30-39San Francisco, CA US14
124BrianSmythMale31M30-39San Francisco, CA US14
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125Sai DeepakTalasilaMale30M30-39San Jose, CA US13
126JohannAbordoMale33M30-39Gilroy, CA US13
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127JoeyGarciaMale35M30-39Novato, CA US13
128OmarGutierrezMale37M30-39SAN JOSE, CA US13
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129VijayKulkarniMale37M30-39San Jose, CA US13
130TimorTsentsiperMale39M30-39San Jose, CA US13
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131WilliamKovenMale34M30-39San Jose, CA US13
132ChaseBrowerMale31M30-39Morgan Hill, CA US13
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133DanielFoxMale30M30-39Turlock, CA US13
134NikolasJonesMale34M30-39Sacramento, CA US13
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135BrianTestaMale32M30-39San Francisco, CA US13
136CoryWardMale38M30-39Seaside, CA US13
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137CharlesHellstromMale36M30-39San Francisco, CA US13
138AxelKuehnleMale30M30-39San Francisco, CA US13
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139NickMartinMale32M30-39Livermore, CA US13
140BenCarmonaMale31M30-39San Jose, CA US12
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141NevinNatividadMale35M30-39Fairfield, CA US12
142JdSneadMale34M30-39Sacramento, CA US12
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143justinryuMale37M30-39Menlo Park, CA US12
144AndrewTamoneyMale35M30-39Campbell, CA US12
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145Chin-YuanLiangMale35M30-39San Jose, CA US12
146RoccoSaucedoMale36M30-39San Jose, CA US12
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147JohannesFerstadMale32M30-39San Carlos, CA US12
148OliverDeaneMale39M30-39San Carlos, CA US12
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149BhavinPatelMale32M30-39Morganville, NJ US12
150NathanKwanMale33M30-39Danville, CA US12
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151fatihkacarMale39M30-39istanbul, TR12
152KevinAujouletMale32M30-39San Francisco, CA US12
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153MarcoManzanoMale35M30-39Patterson, CA US11
154WillieDiazMale30M30-39Mountain View, CA US11
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155Sharath ChandraEdupugantiMale39M30-39Fremont, CA US11
156CaseyHillMale34M30-39Dublin, CA US11
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157ClemensVallejoMale36M30-39San Jose, CA US11
158Lou-AnthonyLimonMale37M30-39San Jose, CA US11
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159MoonParkMale34M30-39San Jose, CA US11
160AndrewFernandezMale32M30-39Turlock, CA US11
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161BrianLooperMale39M30-39Santa Barbara, CA US11
162osmanabbasogluMale39M30-39istanbul, TR11
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163JoeyGilioMale34M30-39San Leandro, CA US11
164VarunPrabhakarMale32M30-39Santa Clara, CA US5
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165frederickorejudosMale33M30-39Fairfield, CA US5
166DannyChoiMale37M30-39Dublin, CA US5
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167HarvinderKangMale37M30-39Newark, CA US5
168DavidParkMale31M30-39Los Angeles, CA US5
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169RishabhDaveMale37M30-39Milpitas, CA US5
170SyamKollaMale34M30-39Sunnyvale, CA US5
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171ViralVoraMale39M30-39Milpitas, CA US5
172SamuelTrotmanMale35M30-39Los Angeles, CA US5
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173JohnChaiMale36M30-39Seattle, WA US5
174RyanHoangMale32M30-39Hayward, CA US5
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175SanketKarkhanisMale34M30-39Fremont, CA US5
176PrateekMurgaiMale30M30-39Cupertino, CA US5
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177JasperAgootMale36M30-39Hayward, CA US5
178Pradeep SaiUppulaMale31M30-39Fremont, CA US5
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179TrevorSmithMale34M30-39San Francisco, CA US5
180JoshuaCruzMale31M30-39Stockton, CA US5
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181AbhinavBisenMale36M30-39Union City, CA US5
182RohanSridharamurthyMale39M30-39Carmel, IN US5
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183MichaelRosenMale39M30-39Mountain View, CA US5
184DavidDe AndaMale34M30-39San Jose, CA US5
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185TJNerMale31M30-39sacramento, CA US5
186VincentMartinezMale30M30-39Stockton, CA US5
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187FangzhouJiaoMale37M30-39Dublin, CA US5
188DouglasGarrattMale31M30-39Palo Alto, CA US5
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189BrandonLewkeMale38M30-39East Palo Alto, CA US5
190JoshuaSuarezMale39M30-39San Jose, CA US5
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191VikasBeriMale35M30-39Chicago, IL US5
192JeffreyHallamMale32M30-39Sacramento, CA US5
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193JonatanDiazMale38M30-39Saratoga Springs, UT US5
194henryyoshidaMale36M30-39Santa Clara, CA US5
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195NoahBedardMale39M30-39Los Gatos, CA US5
196BudLazenbyMale36M30-39Palo Alto, CA US5
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197LuisVarelaMale39M30-39San Jose, CA US5
198JoeRohmanMale30M30-39Palo Alto, CA US5
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199BrianWatsonMale39M30-39San Jose, CA US5
200AbhiKeshavMale39M30-39Fremont, CA US5
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201VinayRaiMale37M30-39Newark, CA US5
202PranayAgrawalMale32M30-39San Jose, CA US5
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203AshwinGannamrajuMale38M30-39San Ramon, CA US5
204ChrisGreenMale30M30-39Vacaville, CA US5
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205JasonManalangMale37M30-39Newark, CA US5
206SoumikPaulMale38M30-39San Jose, CA US5
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207SriRMale37M30-39Salt Lake City, UT US5
208GeoffreyWanMale30M30-39South San Francisco, CA US5
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209WilliamLaederMale32M30-39San Jose, CA US5
210SeanDaughertyMale32M30-39Berkeley, CA US5
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211StefanTretnjakMale31M30-39Saratoga, CA US5
212JoseBermudezMale32M30-39San Francisco, CA US5
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213AshisSahaMale39M30-39BurlingameBurlingame, CA US5
214MichaelBaileyMale37M30-39Benicia, CA US5
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215MichaelZhouMale32M30-39San Francisco, CA US5
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