The Mission of Youth Mentoring is to awaken at-risk youth to their power, unique gifts and purpose by matching them with caring adult mentors and placing that match within a structured group dynamic that provides the resources youth need to reach productive, conscious adulthood.
Our Vision is of a community in which young people are truly seen and not just watched, where society understands and accepts its responsibility in meeting the needs of all young people, and where young people bring their gifts back into their communities as productive members of society.
Your donation provides the following for youth living in the most difficult neighborhoods of Los Angeles:
Life changing experiences:
- Boys and Girls Rites of Passage Retreats in nature
- Therapeutic Counseling services & group trauma healing
- Weddings, funerals, grief rituals, etc. for families who cannot afford
- Exposure to professional workplace environments
- Learn to surf (before YMC some have never even been to the beach)
- Nutritious meals whenever they are with us (and food to take home to their families)
- Filmmaking and other creative outlets
- College and career guidance
- Job prep and training
- Life Skills Training
Results you will be supporting:
- 98% graduation rate (compared to 50-70% of our demographic)
- 2% pregnancy rate (compared to LA County’s rate of 34%!)
- For every $100 invested in Youth Mentoring Connection, society reaps an amazing $7900 return! (based on the cost of a dropout, according to UCLA study)