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Children's Champion Fundraiser

Charlotte F.
Supporting the Nephrology Program Fund!

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Raised of $500



Charlotte F.
Hometown: Newark, OH
Diagnosis: C3 Glomerulonephritis
Age on Race Day: 8


When Charlotte was 6 years old, her parents brought her to their local urgent care for what they assumed was a urinary tract infection. The initial diagnosis at the urgent care confirmed this suspicion but upon receiving the labs, it was clear it was something more. Further testing led Charlotte to the Nephrology department at Nationwide Children's Hospital where she underwent a kidney biopsy.


The biopsy confirmed Charlotte had C3 glomerulonephritis, a rare type of C3 glomerulopathy, a disease that affects how well the kidneys work.


Of her time in the hospital, “I don't know if there was any other part that she didn't actually love,” recalls Charlotte’s mom, Ashley. “Most individuals would prefer not to be in the hospital. Not Charlotte. She was cheerful. She enjoyed the playroom, the gift shop and the room service menu. She had a great set of nurses and techs that were there whenever she needed something, and their quality of care was impeccable.”


During her stay, Charlotte’s labs began to improve, and no further intervention or medication was needed. However, she will need to be closely monitored for flareups for the rest of her life. Her care team helped her and her parents know what to look for in case she does experience another flare-up as well as a plan for what to do.


Today, Charlotte is doing great. She’s a bundle of energy with a smile that spreads to everyone she meets. 


Fundraising to support the Nephrology Program Fund.



Top Donors

$325 Raised By 10 Donors

$50 Donor Name Display Kimberly Frick
$50 Donor Name Display Samantha Ault
$50 Donor Name Display Tammy Lavery
$25 Donor Name Display Erika Lynd
$25 from Anonymous
$25 Donor Name Display Liam Loughman
$25 Donor Name Display Liam Loughman
$25 Donor Name Display Liz & Tyler Palmisano
$25 Donor Name Display Neal avenue Neighbor
$25 Donor Name Display Sarah Sims

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