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Gretchen DeLone
For Hope 💜

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Raised of $150


For Hope 💜

Thank you so much for your donation to Butterfly Baskets! Your support helps us achieve our mission of supporting women and their families in our community who are enduring pregnancy loss or infant loss. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!

Butterfly Baskets Inc is a 501(c)(3) organization. No goods or services were received in exchange for your donation(s).

Katie Hill, President & Founder
Butterfly Baskets Inc
EIN: 85-2358940
Social Media: @butterflybasketsorg



Top Donors

$490 Raised By 13 Donors

$100 in honor of Hope
$50 on behalf of Devin Joyce
$50 on behalf of Erin Feeney
$50 on behalf of Jordan Gaskill
$50 on behalf of Kelly Wangberg
$50 on behalf of Sarah Forti
$50 on behalf of Victoria Messina
$25 on behalf of Lauren Romania
$25 on behalf of Maureen DeLone
$10 on behalf of Chloe Rapp
$10 in honor of Hope
$10 on behalf of Katy LaRosa
$10 on behalf of Samantha Moore

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