Donate to support RMHC of GC families!
Can't attend the 2025 Sport A Shirt Wear Day or you just want to donate? No problem at all! Select a team to donate directly to the House and support families. Use the blue buttons below to find a team, individual, or select the RMH House Team page to make your donation.
To donate to a Individual or Team ( No Shirt Sale), please navigate to the "donation" tab or CLICK HERE. Once on the screen, please follow the prompts on the page.
Start a Sport A Shirt Team:
Please CLICK HERE to give us your team's name and details. Our team will send you a unique page link designed just for your team to recruit t-shirt teammates and fundraise for RMHC families.
T-Shirt purchase Instructions:
If you wish to purchase an Individual T- Shirt ($15.00) or Charlotte Knights Wear Day Bundle ( T-Shirt & Ticket ) ($35.00 ), please navigate to the "Join A Team" tab. or CLICK HERE. Don't have a team? No Worries, Join our RMH House team! After your complete registration, please do not leave the "T-Shirt" selection screen to make your shirt purchases .
Questions? Please contact Darrell McGill at