Hometown: Galion, OH
Diagnosis: Scoliosis and Stenosis of the Spinal Cord
Age on Race Day: 8
At 5 years old, Gray’s parents began to grow concerned about their daughter’s back and spine. Upon consultation with her pediatrician, Gray was referred to the Department of Orthopedics at Nationwide Children's Hospital. Following an x-ray and MRI, it was confirmed that Gray had scoliosis and that her spinal canal was narrowing in the upper part of her neck near her skull, known as stenosis of the spinal canal.
Gray was fitted for a special brace and closely monitored by her doctors. Her scoliosis continued to progress, however, and surgery to insert magnetic growing rods was recommended.
In order to safely perform the surgery, another needed to happen first. Gray’s neck was unstable at the area of the spinal stenosis, and she first needed a spinal fusion in her neck to provide stability.
After Gray healed, she was ready for the rod insertion surgery. Now inserted, Gray visits Nationwide Children’s every two to three months for the rods to be lengthened. Once Gray has reached an age where most of her bones have stopped growing, the doctors will permanently fuse her spine to prevent any further curvature.
“Nationwide Children’s has been a staple for our family since the 1990's when Gray's dad, Matt, also underwent the same neck fusion surgery that Gray had to have,” shares Gray’s mom, Brook. “Matt recovered well and continued to live life normally. We know that Nationwide Children’s will put Gray in no different position to become the healthy, active, and strong girl that she is.”
Fundraising to support the Neurology Fund.