AUGUST 30, 2025
Last Man Standing Ultramarathon is a backyard ultra race held on the pristine, wooded trails of Pineland Farms in New Gloucester, Maine. The course is a 4.2 mile loop with double track and some moderate elevation gain.
The LMS course is as inviting as it is challenging. Those who are new to trail running and the backyard ultra format may find themselves completing new personal best distances. Trail veterans will push against their toughest limits and break through them!
Our event kicks off at 12:00 PM on Saturday August 30th. Racers will have 1 hour to complete the 4.2 mile loop. If you return in under an hour you are eligible to line up for the start of the next lap at 1:00 PM. You must be at the start line when the race director counts down the start of the next lap. This format will continue and laps will start at the top of each hour until only one participant is able to complete a lap. If all remaining participants fail to complete the lap in under 1 hour, the event is over and we will not have a winner.
Race organizers will provide a large tent with water and some snack food. There will also be food for sale in the afternoon and evening on Saturday. We strongly encourage you to visit Pineland Farms Market for fantastic locally grown and prepared foods. Racers are responsible for their own nutrition.
Pineland Farms has a strict NO DOGS policy. We love our dogs as much as you love yours. Please leave your dogs at home for this event. If you bring a dog to the event, you will be asked to leave and disqualified from the event.
For more information, check out our FAQ:
Questions? Contact us

Pineland Farms
Oak Hill Trail
New Gloucester, ME 04260 US
Oak Hill Trail

We're always looking for ways to create an unforgettable experience for our race participants. Whether it's gear, nutrition, beer, or swag, we love hooking our racers up with products we believe in.
Over 7 years, LMS has welcomed participants from 20 states, 5 Canadian provinces, and 2 European countries, not to mention hosts of supporters! If you or your business would like to be a part of the Last Man Standing Ultramarathon experiece, let's talk!