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In honor of Lucy Jones

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Lucy was born at 34 weeks and 5 days. She was born with 2 surgical heart defects, Tetralogy of Fallot and Atrioventricular Septal Defect. She was also born with 2 non-surgical heart defects, bilateral Superior Vena Cava and a Right Aortic Arch.She had 2 stents placed at 1 month old and then another stent at 6 months. She had open heart surgery at 9 months old. Lucy was also blessed with an extra chromosome. She has overcome a lot of obstacles in a short time. She is a true warrior and a blessing to us all. ❤️

Every year Wild Hearts Fun Run teams and participants rally together to raise funds to help children battle Congenital Heart Defects! This money goes to travel expenses, hospital expenses, research, emotional support and more! Help us raise money to help other children like Lucy born with a heart defect. ❤️ 



Top Donors

$50 Raised By 1 Donor

$50 on behalf of Mommy, Daddy, and Brother

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