1690 S Milledge Ave
Athens, GA US 30605
If you are registering a team, please create a team/group first. Once you have created your team, others can join your group. Once 10 members have joined, team members will be refunded $7 per participant to receive the $13 team of ten price. Thank you for your patience as we transfer to this new platform.
Race Contact Info
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About Us
The EGCC serves residents within our 53 county region. Our programs impact cancer and patients at every stage from prevention, screening, treatment all the way through survivorship. Cancer prevention begins in childhood so initiatives such as the EGCC’s farm to table program have the ability to impact lives for decades to come. The EGCC is also offering a program that teaches kitchen safety to children and healthy meal preparation for families on a budget. The EGCC’s prevention programs also aim to reduce cancer risk by reducing barriers to cancer protective behaviors such as through its skin cancer prevention program for the homeless population. The homeless population is at particular risk for skin cancer due to constant sun exposure and a lack of skin cancer prevention behaviors, so the EGCC is addressing these issues by distributing sunscreen and hats through area homeless agencies along with educational information on the important of wearing these items. We also provide cancer health education programs in a variety of formats and tailor each presentation to the needs and interests of the people in each group. The EGCC emphasizes early screening in its programs but we also understand that the cost of screenings are more than what some families can afford, so the EGCC negotiates with providers in our region to offer lower cost screenings to our residents. In some cases, reduced cost screenings are still unaffordable, so the EGCC has offered programs that pay for the screenings of un– or underinsured patients such as our mammogram program. In order to address the issue of cost the EGCC raises provider awareness of the latest research discoveries and cost effective cancer screenings and makes every effort to bring these methods to the mainstream such as through our colorectal cancer screening program that provides screenings for $13 per patient. The EGCC’s “Have you been screened?” program provides mammograms to un/under-insured women at no cost to the patient while controlling costs by negotiating low rates. The EGCC also impacts patients during treatment and survivorship through programs such as our “Healing Hands” massage therapy program which provides a series of massages at no cost to patients who have low-incomes and would otherwise be unable to pay for massage therapy. While massage cannot treat cancer in itself, it can help reduce the side effects of medical treatments and medications.
It is only through the generosity of our funders and donors that we can continue our battle against cancer in east Georgia. 100% of the EGCC’s donations, programs and services remain in east Georgia. Thank you for taking the time to learn about the East Georgia Cancer Coalition. We look forward to hearing from you!
Course Map
For an interactive look at the course including elevation changes, please click the MapMyRun link below.
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