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Auburn's Rockin' Run 5K

Sat March 1, 2025 Auburn, GA 30011 US Directions


Rockin' Run 5K

9:00AM EST


1 Auburn Way
Auburn City Hall
Auburn, GA US 30011


Come and run the inaugural Auburn's Rockin' Run 5K which supports Path United.  Path United operates community centers inside mobile home parks where children experience the love of Christ through positive relationships and intentional weekly programming. At our community centers we offer programs that are designed using research-based best practices and are led by certified teachers and youth development specialists who serve alongside incredible volunteers. Through partnerships with park owners, schools, businesses, churches, parents, and other non-profits we're able to offer on-site programs that help kids become flourishing adults.

Race Day Schedule

8:00AM    Race Day Registration and Packet PickUp

9:00AM    5K Race

10:00AM    Awards


To be guaranteed a T-shirt registration must be submitted by 2/12/2025.


The 5K course starts and finishes at Auburn City Hall and runs through adjacent communities.



Awards are given to Overall Male / Female, Masters Male/Female and the following Male / Female Age Groups:

10-year age group:  10 and Under  11-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80 and Over

Race Series and Finishline Management

The Auburn's Rockin' Run 5K is proud to be a member of the Black Bag Race Series.

Finish line management and timing provided by Classic Race Services.

What if it Rains?

We get wet!  Race start time may be delayed in 15-minute increments if storms are in the area.  Sorry, no refunds due to inclement weather.

Check the weather.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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