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His fight is our fight

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Raised of $500


Learning to live with Epilepsy and being a stronger person and family because of it.

This November marks 4 years since Tanner's Epilepsy diagnosis. We are beyond grateful that his seizures are controlled by medication, and that he has been seizure free for 3 years. This summer we will begin the process of weaning him off of his medication to see if he has outgrown the seizures which is so scary but also gives me so much hope that, just maybe, this journey can be put behind us once and for all. But until then we are determined to spread awareness because we never imagined that our son would be diagnosed with Epilepsy at the age of 11, and want to help educate others because it can happen to anyone at any time.  

So please help Tanner reach his Walk to END EPILEPSY fundraising goal to help provide essential services to people with epilepsy. Together, our gifts improve the lives of people with epilepsy and help us win the fight against epilepsy.

Living with epilepsy has been a challenge, and you can help change that. Your online donation today to my team allows people to receive medical treatment, benefit from social services, participate in youth camps, and feel part of the epilepsy community.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your help.

Top Donors

$630 Raised By 19 Donors

$100 from Facebook Donation
$70 from Facebook Donation
$50 from Facebook Donation
$50 from Facebook Donation
$40 from Facebook Donation
$40 from Facebook Donation
$35 from Facebook Donation
$30 in support of Sophia Alton
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Facebook Donation
$20 from Facebook Donation
$20 from Facebook Donation
$20 on behalf of Mayra Molina
$20 on behalf of Olga Saenz
$15 from Facebook Donation
$10 on behalf of Jessica & Ken Carvajal
$10 on behalf of TeresaFátima Moreno

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