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Sat September 5 - Tue October 20 WORLD WIDE EVENT, SC 29464 US
Team Fundraiser

Trexo Robotics

Fundraiser Login

Trexo Robotics - Pediatric Robotic Walker

Trexo's story begins in 2011 when Manmeet learned that his nephew, Praneit, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Praneit would not be able to walk as a result of his diagnosis.

Manmeet and his family searched for many solutions to help Praneit walk, only to find that there was nothing available. They heard that there were these "exoskeletons" that could help with mobility, but it turned out that they were only for adults.

During this time, Manmeet learned that children with disabilities spend a lot of time sitting, which can lead to negative health outcomes. Without the ability to walk, many children simply don't have a way to exercise and stay active.

Manmeet had a deep desire to help his nephew so he asked his friend Rahul to help him. They knew about Ironman and both studied robotics at the University of Waterloo, so building a robot to help Praneit made a lot of sense! So the Trexo was born and evolved over time into the product you see today.

Trexo’s special story has played a big role in our values and mission. We design everything with a child’s comfort and needs in mind. With each child who uses the Trexo, the device gets better. 

We are on a mission to redefine mobility solutions for people of all ages and abilities. 

We want to create devices that are affordable, designed with the user in mind, and can be used at home. We think about products as lifestyle companions and want them to solve big problems.

We believe that mobility limitations will affect everyone at some point of their lives, be it from birth or as you age, and we want to be there with you, providing enabling technologies along the way.

Please join our team and help us to ReEnable athletes with physical challenges, and support improvements to life changing technology! 

Joining team will also register you for the virtual run, and will automatically create you an individual fundraising page, so you can start raising funds towards our team goal.

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