Mary's Bio
Mary loves running! When she is able to put her feet to the ground, the feeling feels heavenly. A journey that began 10 years ago, holds a very special place in her heart. It is as if she “gets” to make Footprints. To date Mary has ran 10 marathons and just as many half marathons. Recently exploring her speed work, 5k events are becoming fun. Something about Mary, is that she first loved singing and still tries to belt out a tune every chance she gets. Mary loves adventures and the great outdoors! Originally from West Virginia her travels led to living in France, Israel, and Iceland where she began to notice this beautiful world that we get to live. Always looking to help and trying to inspire others, Mary began coaching a girls run group. This Journey led to one of the greatest joys, which keeps her looking for new adventures. Her favorite Racine sport event is the Fort Ritchie event, where she wanted to volunteer, “that day was amazing as I watched other athletes go for their goals and felt this allows me to be around people just like me”. I was able to meet new people and the day was Amazing! Mary achieved her bachelors in Business Administration with a minor in marketing in 2016. Currently pursuing her masters in Healthcare Administration, Mary is excited to reach the finish line in May 2022.