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Second Wind Running Club

Champaign, IL 61826 US

Second Wind By-Laws

(revisions approved January 2018)

Article I – Name
The organization shall be known as the “Second Wind Running Club,” hereinafter known as Second Wind.

Article II – Purposes
Second Wind is formed for the following Purposes:

  1. To promote and encourage running as a sport and as a means of healthful exercise.
  2. To promote and conduct races or other running activities.
  3. To disseminate information and advice on running through newsletters, fliers, clinics, meetings, and other activities.
  4. To encourage running and better physical fitness for all individuals of all ages and abilities.
  5. To offer opportunities for organized and informal socializing by members.

Article III – Organization
A. Second Wind shall be a local running club based in the twin cities of Champaign and Urbana, Illinois.
B. Second Wind shall work cooperatively with other local organizations with similar goals.
C. Second Wind shall maintain membership in the Road Runners Club of America, Incorporated , or other national organization of running clubs, and work cooperatively with other member clubs.

Article IV – Membership
A. Membership of Second Wind shall be composed of individual and family memberships.
B. Membership in Second Wind shall not be restricted on the basis of race, religion, sex, age, or running ability.
C. Individual membership shall be open to anyone interested in running or physical fitness.
D. Family membership shall be open to any two or more members of a household who share an interest in running or physical fitness.
E. Honorary memberships shall be awarded at the discretion of the Board.

Article V – Dues
A. Each member shall remit an annual dues payment as established for individual or family membership. 
B. Dues shall be for a 12 month membership beginning on the date of membership application and payment.

Article VI – Club Meetings
A. Second Wind shall hold at least one annual membership meeting in January. Additional member meetings may be called as needed in order to properly conduct club business.
B. Regular meetings shall be held for one or more of the following purposes:
1. Conducting Board and officer elections, and other club business
2. Disseminating information of interest to members; 
3. Featuring a speaker or other presentation; 
4. Providing social activities.
C. Club members shall be notified in writing, by posting on Second Wind listserve, by posting on the Second Wind website, or via the club Newsletter, of the location, date, time, and main purposes of each regular meeting at least one month in advance. 
D. Club meetings shall be open to all current and prospective club members. Voting will be limited to current club members.

Article VII – Board of Directors
A. There shall be a Board of Directors to manage the affairs of Second Wind and to carry out the objectives and purposes for which Second Wind is organized. 
B. The Board of Directors shall be composed of two (2) elected voting officers, four (4) appointed non-voting officers, and eight (8) to ten (10) elected voting directors. The elected officers shall be a President and Vice-President. The appointed officers shall consist of a Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, and Race Coordinator. 
C. The appointed officers shall be appointed by the board. An elected director may also serve as an appointed officer. 
D. The terms of office for elected Board members shall be two (2) years and for appointed officers one (1) year. The term of office shall commence on February 1. 
E. Both elected members and appointed officers may serve consecutive terms. 
F. An election shall be held each year to elect four (4) to six (6) new directors. The election shall be held in conjunction with the annual January meeting of Second Wind. If there is no more than one candidate for either President or Vice-President, that candidate will be seated by a show of hands vote at the annual meeting. If there are no more than four (4) or five (5) candidates for elected voting directors, all candidates will be seated following a show of hands vote at the annual meeting. If there is a contested seat(s) for any elected office(s), the Board shall appoint an Election Committee to conduct the election. 
G. If an office or directorship becomes vacant the Board shall have the option to fill the vacancy with an appointee who shall hold this position for the unexpired term of office.

Article VIII – Meetings of the Board of Directors
A. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held when considered necessary by the President, provided, however, at least six (6) meetings shall be held each year. 
B. The Board of Directors shall be notified in writing or by email of the time and place of all meetings prior to the meeting. 
C. A majority of the voting members of the board shall constitute a quorum. 
D. The Board of Directors will provide documentation of its actions to the general membership through Board meeting minutes posted to the club’s website, which will include actions and decisions made in email communications between scheduled Board meetings.

Article IX – Publications
A. The official publication of Second Wind shall be a newsletter and shall be known as In Passing. The newsletter shall be published at least quarterly, more often if feasible.

Article X – Amendments
A. The Second Wind By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting by the vote of a majority of the members present. 
B. No amendment may be adopted unless first presented in writing to the Club membership in the announcement of the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered. 
C. All amendments shall become effective following the meeting at which they are adopted, unless otherwise specified at the time of adoption.

Appendix A to the Second Wind By-Laws Election Procedure Nominations
A1. Any Second Wind member wanting to serve as President, Vice-President or as a Board member in the coming year should notify the Board of their intentions on or before the second Tuesday in December. If there are more candidates than available seats for any positions, an Election Committee will be formed.
A2. The Election Committee will create and make available to members a ballot containing all candidates for all contested positions. Ballots may be mailed to the Second Wind P.O. box or handed to a Board member by the second Tuesday in January.
A3. The Election Committee will tally the ballots and the results will be announced at the annual January meeting. If there are non-contested candidates for any positions, the Board as a whole will be brought to the membership for approval at this meeting by a show of hands vote. Services on the Board shall commence on February 1.
A4. At the first meeting of the Board after February 1, if either of the elected offices of President or Vice-President are unfilled, or if there are less than eight (8) elected voting directors, then the existing voting Board members shall have the option of electing or appointing a Second Wind member to any of these unfilled positions.
A5. The Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, and Race Coordinator shall be appointed positions in accordance with Article VII of the Second Wind By-Laws.

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