1. RunSignup
  2. API
  3. Methods
  4. Get Ticket Event

Get Ticket Event

Gets information about a ticket event.

Information Collection Settings

If the include_info_collection_settings field is used, settings for the collection of user information during registration as configured in the dashboard will be provided. See the following for a definition of the codes:

  • R: Required
  • O: Optional
  • H: Hidden


If the include_questions field is used, questions as configured in the dashboard will be provided. See the following for a definition of the codes:

Response Type Codes
  • F: Freeform
  • R: Single Selection
  • C: Multiple Selection
  • S: Single Selection
  • B: Yes/No
  • A: Essay
  • T: Time Entry
  • I: File Upload
Validation Type Codes
  • 0: No Validation
  • 1: Positive Whole Number
  • 2: Whole Number
  • 3: Decimal Number
  • 4: Email Address
  • 5: Phone Number
  • 6: Website URL
  • 7: Date
  • 8: Character Limit
  • 9: Allowed Values

Waiver Settings

If the include_waiver_settings field is used, all configured waivers and associated settings will be provided. See the following for a definition of the codes for waiver_signature_type:

  • 1: Checkbox
  • 2: Name
  • 3: Initials
  • 4: Name & Date
  • 5: Initials & Date
  • 6: Name & Date of Birth
  • 7: Initials & Date of Birth

Response Format

	"ticket_event_id": 1,
	"ticket_event_name": "Example Ticketable Event",
	"timezone": "America\/New_York",
	"homepage_url": "https:\/\/runsignup.com\/TicketEvent\/ExampleTicketableEvent",
	"logo_url": "https:\/\/d368g9lw5ileu7.cloudfront.net\/img\/logos\/circle-r-ltgrey.bC-wgv.png",
	"start_ts": 1546322400,
	"end_ts": 1893905999,
	"ticket_groups": [
			"ticket_group_id": 1,
			"ticket_group_name": "Spaghetti Dinner",
			"ticket_group_levels": [
					"ticket_group_level_id": 1,
					"ticket_group_level_name": "Meat Sauce",
					"ticket_group_level_divisor": 1
					"ticket_group_level_id": 11,
					"ticket_group_level_name": "Marinara",
					"ticket_group_level_divisor": 1
			"information_collection_settings": {
				"ticketable_subevent_id": 1,
				"acct_password_inclusion_type": "H",
				"acct_gender_inclusion_type": "H",
				"acct_dob_inclusion_type": "H",
				"acct_address_inclusion_type": "R",
				"acct_city_inclusion_type": "R",
				"acct_state_inclusion_type": "H",
				"acct_country_inclusion_type": "R",
				"acct_zipcode_inclusion_type": "H",
				"acct_phone_inclusion_type": "R",
				"collect_per_ticket_user_info": "T",
				"per_ticket_first_name_inclusion_type": "R",
				"per_ticket_last_name_inclusion_type": "R",
				"per_ticket_email_inclusion_type": "R",
				"per_ticket_gender_inclusion_type": "H",
				"per_ticket_dob_inclusion_type": "H",
				"per_ticket_age_inclusion_type": "H",
				"per_ticket_address_inclusion_type": "R",
				"per_ticket_city_inclusion_type": "R",
				"per_ticket_state_inclusion_type": "H",
				"per_ticket_country_inclusion_type": "R",
				"per_ticket_zipcode_inclusion_type": "H",
				"per_ticket_phone_inclusion_type": "R"
			"ticket_group_id": 2,
			"ticket_group_name": "Golf Outing",
			"ticket_group_levels": [
					"ticket_group_level_id": 4,
					"ticket_group_level_name": "Ticket",
					"ticket_group_level_divisor": 1
			"information_collection_settings": {
				"ticketable_subevent_id": 1,
				"acct_password_inclusion_type": "H",
				"acct_gender_inclusion_type": "H",
				"acct_dob_inclusion_type": "H",
				"acct_address_inclusion_type": "R",
				"acct_city_inclusion_type": "R",
				"acct_state_inclusion_type": "H",
				"acct_country_inclusion_type": "R",
				"acct_zipcode_inclusion_type": "H",
				"acct_phone_inclusion_type": "R",
				"collect_per_ticket_user_info": "T",
				"per_ticket_first_name_inclusion_type": "R",
				"per_ticket_last_name_inclusion_type": "R",
				"per_ticket_email_inclusion_type": "R",
				"per_ticket_gender_inclusion_type": "H",
				"per_ticket_dob_inclusion_type": "H",
				"per_ticket_age_inclusion_type": "H",
				"per_ticket_address_inclusion_type": "R",
				"per_ticket_city_inclusion_type": "R",
				"per_ticket_state_inclusion_type": "H",
				"per_ticket_country_inclusion_type": "R",
				"per_ticket_zipcode_inclusion_type": "H",
				"per_ticket_phone_inclusion_type": "R"
	"address1": "300 Mill St.",
	"address2": "Suite 200",
	"city": "Moorestown",
	"state": "NJ",
	"zipcode": "08057",
	"countrycode": "US",
	"is_advanced_ticket_event": "T",
	"is_timed_entry_ticket_event": "F",
	"questions": {
		"question_id": 2,
		"question_text": "What is your favorite color?",
		"question_validation_type_code": 0,
		"default_response": null,
		"response_type_code": "R",
		"internal_question": "F",
		"more_details_html": "<p>Tell us what your favorite color is.</p>",
		"more_details_text": "Tell us what your favorite color is.",
		"required": "F",
		"per_user": "F",
		"responses": [
				"response_id": 1,
				"response": "Red",
				"default_response": "F",
				"response_limit": null
				"response_id": 2,
				"response": "Green",
				"default_response": "F",
				"response_limit": 5
				"response_id": 2,
				"response": "Blue",
				"default_response": "F",
				"response_limit": 10
		"is_limited_to_ticket_groups": "T",
		"limited_ticket_group_ids": [
		"is_limited_to_ticket_levels": "T",
		"limited_ticket_level_ids": [
		"images": []
	"waivers": [
			"waiver_id": 123,
			"waiver_text": "This is sample waiver text.",
			"waiver_html": "<p>This is sample waiver text.</p>",
			"settings": {
				"require_waiver_agreement_per_registrant": "T",
				"waiver_signature_type": 2,
				"allow_later_signature": "F",
				"force_sign_later_on_non_primary_non_minor": "F",
				"force_waiver_scroll": "F"
			"waiver_id": 678,
			"waiver_text": "This is another example of sample waiver text.",
			"waiver_html": "<p>This is another example of sample waiver text.</p>",
			"settings": {
				"require_waiver_agreement_per_registrant": "F",
				"waiver_signature_type": 1,
				"allow_later_signature": "F",
				"force_sign_later_on_non_primary_non_minor": "F",
				"force_waiver_scroll": "T"



HTTP Method



Parameter HTTP Method Default Description Datatype
GET ID of ticket event. uint
rsu_api_key GET API key. string
X-RSU-API-SECRET HTTP Header API secret. string
supports_timed_entry_events GET F Are timed entry events supported? bool
include_questions GET F Should questions be included? bool
include_internal_questions GET F Should internal questions be included if questions are included? bool
include_info_collection_settings GET F Should information collection settings per ticket group be included? bool
include_waiver_settings GET F Should waiver settings be included? bool

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