Get configured activity types for a virtual event.
The race_id
parameter is required.
The event_id
is required and must be a Virtual Event in the race.
The include_deleted_activity_types
can be used to include deleted activity types in the results. Values are 'T' or 'F', and the default if not included is 'F'.
In the response, time_entry_type
and elevation_gain_entry_type
can have the following values:
field types are:
Custom activity types will have null for the standard_activity_type
{ "activity_types": [ { "virtual_race_activity_type_id": 8, "event_id": 75480, "standard_activity_type": null, "activity_type_text": "pushups", "entry_tally_field_type": 1, "max_tally_value": null, "time_entry_type": 1, "total_time_split_id": null, "total_tally_extra_field_id": 25883, "min_num_activities": 0, "max_num_activities": null, "sort_order": 0, "deleted": "F", "elevation_gain_entry_type": 1 }, { "virtual_race_activity_type_id": 9, "event_id": 75480, "standard_activity_type": null, "activity_type_text": "pullups", "entry_tally_field_type": 1, "max_tally_value": null, "time_entry_type": 1, "total_time_split_id": null, "total_tally_extra_field_id": 25884, "min_num_activities": 0, "max_num_activities": null, "sort_order": 1, "deleted": "F", "elevation_gain_entry_type": 1 } ] }
Parameter | HTTP Method | Default | Description | Datatype |
api_key |
GET | API Key | string |
api_secret |
GET | API Secret | string |
tmp_key |
GET | Temporary API Key from login API call. This should NOT be used in combination with API Key. | string |
tmp_secret |
GET | Temporary API Secret from login API call. This should NOT be used in combination with API Secret. | string |
rsu_api_key |
GET | API v2 key. If used, you must send the API secret in an HTTP header named X-RSU-API-SECRET. | string |
sp_api_key |
GET | Super partner API key. If used, you must send the API secret in an HTTP header named X-RSU-API-SECRET. | string |
HTTP Header | API v2 or super partner secret. | string |
format |
GET | xml | Format of response. The default if not sent is `xml`, but `json` is preferred. | format |
Parameter | HTTP Method | Default | Description | Datatype |
race_id Required |
GET | ID of race. | uint |
event_id Required |
GET | ID of event. | uint |
include_deleted_activity_types |
GET | F | Include deleted activity types in results. | bool |