Get the result settings for a virtual event.
{ "virtual_result_settings": { "accept_results_start_ts": 1600883059, "accept_results_end_ts": 1601487840, "min_valid_time_in_seconds": 1, "max_valid_time_in_seconds": 3596400, "allow_elevation_gain_upload": "T", "results_require_approval": "F", "individual_result_set_id": 123, "alternate_event_ids": [ 456, 789 ] } }
Parameter | HTTP Method | Default | Description | Datatype |
api_key |
GET | API Key | string |
api_secret |
GET | API Secret | string |
tmp_key |
GET | Temporary API Key from login API call. This should NOT be used in combination with API Key. | string |
tmp_secret |
GET | Temporary API Secret from login API call. This should NOT be used in combination with API Secret. | string |
rsu_api_key |
GET | API v2 key. If used, you must send the API secret in an HTTP header named X-RSU-API-SECRET. | string |
sp_api_key |
GET | Super partner API key. If used, you must send the API secret in an HTTP header named X-RSU-API-SECRET. | string |
HTTP Header | API v2 or super partner secret. | string |
format |
GET | xml | Format of response. The default if not sent is `xml`, but `json` is preferred. | format |
Parameter | HTTP Method | Default | Description | Datatype |
race_id Required |
GET | ID of race. | uint |
event_id Required |
GET | ID of event. | uint |