1. RunSignup
  2. API
  3. Error Codes

Error Codes

Code Message
1 Unknown method
2 HTTP method not supported for this REST method
3 Invalid parameters
4 Unknown error
5 Database error
6 Key authentication failed
7 Permission Denied
8 Not implemented
9 Invalid date
10 Response format not supported for this REST method
11 Invalid submission
12 Request received out of order
13 You must be logged in to the API as a user
14 Request throttled.
15 Invalid ID.
101 User not found
102 Email or password invalid
103 Account has been temporarily locked due to excessive failed login attempts.
104 First name is required
105 First name is invalid
106 Last name is required
107 Last name is invalid
108 Email address is invalid
109 Street address cannot be more than 512 characters
110 City cannot be more than 128 characters
111 State is invalid
112 Country is invalid
113 Zip code is invalid
114 Gender is invalid
115 Bib number is invalid
116 Chip number is invalid
117 Date of birth is invalid
118 Age is invalid
119 Age and date of birth do not match
120 Phone number is invalid
121 User is not editable
122 The email address entered is already associated with an existing account.
123 City contains invalid characters.
151 Failed to create temporary credentials.
201 Race not found.
202 Failed to create race.
203 Race name is required.
204 Race name is invalid.
205 Race address is not valid.
213 Failed to edit race.
214 Timezone is invalid.
215 Race URL is invalid.
216 Race URL is already in use. Please use a different URL.
217 You must have at least one event.
218 Event name is invalid.
219 Event start time is required.
220 Event start time is not valid.
221 Race partner id not valid.
222 Draft race flag not valid ("T" or "F" expected).
223 Event id not valid.
224 Race renewal is not allowed.
225 Event type is required.
226 Contact email address is invalid.
227 Past event creation requires the "allow_past_event_creation" flag
228 Event type is invalid.
229 Partner token is invalid.
230 Race timer ID not valid.
301 Event not found.
302 Race event days id not found for this race.
401 Result set not found.
402 Result set deleted.
403 Result set not publicly viewable.
404 Result set source URL is invalid.
410 Invalid custom field id.
411 Too many results uploaded in a single request.
501 Participant cap reached.
502 Registration id is invalid.
503 Event id is invalid.
504 This registrant cannot be transferred to the specified event.
505 Giveaway is invalid.
506 Question id is invalid.
507 Question response is invalid.
508 Membership setting id is invalid.
509 Membership data is invalid.
512 Add-on id is invalid.
513 Add-on information is invalid.
514 Invalid group/team.
515 Group/team requirements not meet.
516 Registration id must be an imported registration.
517 Potential registration id match.
518 Invalid corral ID.
519 Registration ID was already transferred.
600 Invalid JSON request.
601 Custom results page not found.
650 Invalid timing point id.
651 No data supplied for the timing point.
700 Invalid event id.
701 Invalid registration information.
702 Invalid give-away selected.
703 You must accept the race waiver.
704 Invalid question responses.
705 Invalid membership information.
706 Invalid add-on information.
708 Invalid corral information.
709 Invalid app settings id.
710 Invalid donation information.
711 Invalid result notification information.
775 Total cost is invalid.
776 Total cost changed. Please confirm new payment amount.
777 Insufficient credit card information.
778 Credit card information posted in wrong format.
779 Credit card expired.
780 The registration is waiting to be processed, but has not completed yet.
781 Failed to register for the race.
782 Registration not found.
783 Failed to refund registration.
784 Offline payment is not allowed.
785 Offline payment password is incorrect.
786 Invalid email address to send the waiver to.
787 Duplicate registration detected.
788 Registration timestamp is invalid.
789 Registration timestamp is out of range.
790 Registration timestamp is not allowed on edit.
800 Club not found.
801 Club is in draft mode.
900 Race group id is invalid.
901 Race group type id is invalid.
902 Race group name is required.
903 Race group name must be unique.
904 Race group gender is required.
905 Race group gender is not valid.
906 Race group requires an age group.
907 Age group for race group is not valid.
908 Race group bib number is not valid.
909 Race group bib number is already assigned.
910 Race group type name is required.
911 Race group type name is too long.
912 Race group type description is required.
913 Minimum number of members is invalid.
914 Maximum number of members is invalid.
915 Minimum number of male members is invalid.
916 Maximum number of male members is invalid.
917 Minimum number of female members is invalid.
918 Maximum number of female members is invalid.
919 Maximum number of teams is invalid.
920 Invalid gender selection combination.
921 You must select at least one event.
922 Invalid event selected.
1000 Give-away text is required.
1001 Give-away cut-off date is invalid.
1002 Give-away option id is invalid.
1003 Give-away option text is required.
1004 Give-away option cost is invalid.
1005 Give-away text too long.
1006 Give-away option text too long.
1100 Supplied Event Id is not valid.
1101 Supplied Alternate Registration URL is not valid.
1102 Supplied external race URL is not valid.
1103 Supplied external results URL is not valid.
1104 Supplied Facebook page ID is not valid.
1105 Supplied Facebook event ID is not valid.
1400 Race description is required.
1300 Too many coupons uploaded.
1301 Coupon ID is invalid.
1302 Field value is invalid.
1303 Field is not applicable.
1304 Coupon cannot be used because it does not have any applicable fields.
1305 You cannot use the API on shared coupons.
1200 Offline checkin is not available
1201 Password invalid
1203 Checked in status is invalid
1204 Authentication limit exceeded
1500 You must specify at least one registration period.
1501 Registration open date is required.
1502 Registration open date is not valid.
1503 Registration close date is required.
1504 Registration close date is not valid.
1505 Registration close date cannot be after the event date.
1506 Registration fee is required.
1507 Registration fee is not valid.
1508 Volunteer events must have a registration fee of $0.
1509 Registration period overlaps with another registration period.
1600 Invalid age based pricing id.
1601 Registration open date is required.
1602 Registration open date is not valid.
1603 Registration close date is required.
1604 Registration close date is not valid.
1605 Registration close date cannot be after the event date.
1606 Registration fee is required.
1607 Registration fee is not valid.
1608 Invalid minimum age.
1609 Invalid maximum age.
1610 Invalid giveaway setting.
1611 Invalid membership setting.

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