Location: Gadsden, AL US 35902


Gadsden Runners Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization through our affiliation with the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA.)  Donations are tax deductible and help us to support the healthy sport of running in Gadsden, AL and the surrounding areas.  The mission of GRC is to promote, encourage and foster the love of running and promote the health benefits of running. Funds, goods and services provided from sponsors will help GRC to fulfill this purpose.  Funds will be utilized for much needed running equipment to support the growing number of races in our county and to grow club divisions. 

Membership Dues Information:
Individual-  $25/year
Family-        $30/year
Student-      $12/year

Dues include fees associated with the Road Runners Club of America which is our governing body and insurance for any races or events that we may hold. Dues also provide the money to support our growing club divisions such as the Women's Division, Trail Division, Youth Running Program, Club Socials, and GRC hosted races.  


Membership Levels

Individual Membership

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

Membership From January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025: $25.00 + $2.50 Processing Fee

Family Membership

Family members include spouse and children. Children in college are included until the age of 25.

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 6

Membership Options

Membership From January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025: $30.00 + $2.50 Processing Fee

Student Membership

Student up to age of 25.

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

Membership From January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025: $12.00 + $2.50 Processing Fee

Club Officers

Name Title
Kristen Shelton President
Tim Roberts Vice-President
Vanessa Roberts Secretary
Susan Womack Treasurer
Eric Womack Past President

Club Contact Information

PO Box 595
Gadsden, AL US 35902
Website: www.gadsdenrunners.com

If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.

Club Membership Discounts

As a member of this club, you can get discounts for the following races:

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