Location: Conyers, GA US 30094


The roots of the Covington Conyers Cycling Club (C4) are woven through the community of cyclists living, working, and playing in Newton, Rockdale, Walton, and surrounding counties. We’ve kept our dues nominal over the years to respect our origins as a broad-based, inclusive group of riders and advocates with diverse interests and means.
The annual dues you pay here ($20 for an individual, $30 for a family) help the club and the local cycling community in a variety of ways:
• Funds our website and social media to facilitate communication of important information about upcoming group rides, non-cycling events, advocacy efforts, helpful Q&A.
• Pays for the C4 club site on Ride with GPS to allow for easy sharing of routes and ride information. (More on that below.)
• Provides resources to support efforts to advocate for safer roadways and more bike-friendly laws in the communities where we ride.
• Helps educate and mentor new riders in the rules of the road and best practices for safe cycling.
• Grows the local cycling community in visible ways that encourage motorists to see and respect bicyclists, local officials to view us as important constituents, and bike shops to see our community as a great place to invest.
That’s what your membership does for the cycling community you’re a part of. What it also does is give you access to the C4 Club Site on Ride with GPS.
When you pay dues here (on BikeSignup.com), we’ll send a link granting you membership on the Ride with GPS Club Site. With that link, you’ll enjoy paid features for all routes in the C4 Route Library, which include voice navigation and offline maps in the mobile app, advanced turn notifications on TCX files, and PDF Maps and Cue sheets. If purchased separately through Ride with GPS, these features would cost $50/year.
Our membership year runs June 1 to May 31, and dues are prorated when you make your first payment at other times of the year. Join today to enjoy all these benefits now.
For more information on the Ride with GPS club features, visit https://ridewithgps.com/help/club-member-benefits#joinclub.
For more information about C4, visit https://www.c4cycling.com/.

Membership Levels

Individual Membership

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1
Minimum Age: 21
Maximum Age: 100

Membership Options

Yearly Membership Ending On 5/31: $20.00 (Prorated)

Family Membership

This is for family membership

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 5
Minimum Age: 12
Maximum Age: 100

Membership Options

Yearly Membership Ending On 5/31: $30.00 (Prorated)

Club Officers

Name Title
John Keck President
Eddie Shirey Treasurer
Shawn Bilak Acting Secretary
Tim Walden Membership Director
Maurice Carter Media Director

Club Contact Information

2161 Klondike Road
Conyers, GA US 30094
Phone: (770) 365-0480
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/466334936719276/

If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.

Club Membership Discounts

As a member of this club, you can get discounts for the following races:

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