The Hartford Track Club wants you on our teams. The fastest person ever CANNOT score for a team unless that person has enough teammates. The slowest person ever ALWAYS has a chance to score for a team if that person has enough teammates.
USA Track & Field Connecticut (Usatf CT) conducts three Grand Prix series: road; mountain/ultra/trail (MUT) and cross country (XC). Each series offers prize money. The road series awards money to Male and Female Open (16+), Master (40+), Grandmaster (50+), and Senior (60+) teams. If you would like to run as an HTC team member in these races, please visit Usatf CT. Joining Usatf for the first time the form has a “Usatf-Registered Club” section. Be sure to enter 19 for HTC.
We also field teams for the June Mt Washington Road Race. Usatf membership is not required for it. For questions about teams or Usatf write