Location: Greenbelt, MD US 20768


About the Program
The Running Start 5K Training Program runs from June 18th through August 21st. It is a beginner training program for adults of all ages and abilities that will train you to run a 5 kilometer (3.1 mile) race. The program will build your endurance with a combination of walking and running over time. In addition, the program will offer the benefits of improved cardiovascular fitness, reduced adverse health factors, safe training methods, and fun!

The target graduation race is the club's Women's Distance Festival Race in College Park on Sunday, August 21st (there is also a men's race on this same date/location).

The program consists of three formal workouts per week, Tuesday & Thursday evenings (6:30pm-7:30pm) and Saturday mornings (8:00am-9:00am), during which all participants will train as a group with the head coaches.  There will also be an optional early morning group run in Bowie on Wednesday mornings.  Group runs will take place at various locations throughout Prince George's County.

The cost of the training program is $40. In addition,  all  participants  are required  to  join  the  Prince George’s Running Club if not already a member of the club.  The  club membership  fee  is  $20 individual/$25  family/$10 student. Click here to join or renew your club membership: http://www.pgrc.org/membership/.

The  training  program  fee covers  the  cost  of  a  technical  running  shirt and group  activities.  *PLEASE NOTE: Registration for this race is not included in the program fee.*




Membership Levels

Individual Membership

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 100

Membership Options

Club Officers

Name Title
Sheila Barfield Coach
Maria Green Coach
Kimberly Brooks Coach

Club Contact Information

P.O. Box 391
Greenbelt, MD US 20768
Website: www.pgrc.org

If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.

Club Membership Discounts

As a member of this club, you can get discounts for the following races:

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