Location: Kansas City, MO US 64145


Do you love to take on a Challenge?  Do you like to run/walk in a lot of races? Do you love to get discounts on KCRC Races?  How about having a discount at the KC Running Company store? Love to get special exclusive offers and events? Love feeling part of a community?

If the answer is yes, then come join the crew and be part of the KCRC Team!

Here what you get:

·         A special team apparel item

·         Entry into one of the “I Run KC Challenges” - the 50K Challenge (ten participating 5Ks, one in each of ten different cities), the 100K Challenge (ten participating 10Ks), the 200K Challenge (any combination of participating events totaling 200K) or the 300K Challenge (any combination of participating events totaling 300K)

·         KCRC race discounts

·         KCRC store discounts

·         Chances to win free race entries and swag throughout the year, along with special goodies at some of the KCRC races

·         Exclusive offers and events throughout the year that only race team members will be invited to.

Membership Levels

Team - No Challenge

No Challenge but you still receive the team shirt and team discounts at the KC Running Company store and on most KC Running Company races.

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

Team - 50K Challenge

Signup for this membership if you want to do the 50K Challenge (included in your membership). You can add more challenges by going to the store section and purchasing another challenge.

The 50K Challenge - ten 5K races, one each from ten different area cities, from a participating list of events between January 1 and December 31, 2021.  Once you sign up for the 50K Challenge, you can then go directly to the participating race registration site and sign up for that race directly.  You can add more challenges by going to the store section and purchasing another challenge.

Signup from Now until September 1, 2021 for the membership.  Membership expires 12/31/2021.   

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

Team - 100K Challenge

Signup for this membership if you want to do the 100K Challenge (included in your membership).You can add more challenges by going to the store section and purchasing another challenge.

The 100K Challenge - ten 10K races from the list of participating races between January 1 and December 31, 2021.   Once you sign up for the 100K Challenge you can then go directly to the participating race registration sites and sign up for those races directly.

Sign up from now until September 1, 2021 for the membership.  Membership expires 12/31/2021.   

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

Team - 200K Challenge

Signup for this membership if you want to do the 200K Challenge (included in your membership). You can add more challenges by going to the store section and purchasing another challenge.

The 200K Challenge is a larger but more flexible challenge, as you can reach your 200K goal by doing any combination of the participating races in the 50K Challenge, the 100K Challenge, and the half and full marathons on the list of participating races between January 1 and December 31, 2021.  Like the other challenges, once you sign up for the 200K Challenge, you can then go directly to the participating race registration sites and sign up for those races directly.

Signup from Now until September 1, 2021 for the membership.  Membership expires 12/31/2021.   

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

Team - 300K Challenge

Signup for this membership if you want to do the 300K Challenge ( included in your membership). You can add more challenges by going to the store section and purchasing another challenge.

The 300K Challenge is the most daunting of the Challenges, but you can reach your 300K goal by doing any combination of the participating races in the 50K Challenge, the 100K Challenge, and the 200K Challenge on the list of participating races between January 1 and December 31, 2021.  Like the other challenges, once you sign up for the 300K Challenge, you can then go directly to the participating race registration sites and sign up for those races directly.

Signup from Now until September 1, 2021 for the membership.  Membership expires 12/31/2021.   

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

Club Officers

Name Title
Jenny Steen

Club Contact Information

200 E. 135th Street
Kansas City, MO US 64145
Phone: 816-569-4508

If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.

Sign Up Dates

Sign Up for the club now until September 1, 2021, membership will expire 12/31/2021. 

Membership Expiration

Your membership expires on December 31, 2021.

50K Challenge Details

To complete the I Run KC 50K Challenge, you must run ten 2021 participating 5K races, one in each of ten different cities, from the list of races found at www.kcrcteam.com (which may be updated from time to time).  This means only one race from each city will count towards your Challenge goal!  Only one from KC, one from OP, etc.

100K Challenge Details

To complete the I Run KC 50K Challenge, you must run ten 2021 participating 10K races from the list of races found at www.kcrcteam.com (which may be updated from time to time).  They can all be in one city or in a variety of cities.  What is required is that you do ten of them.

200K Challenge Options

To complete the I Run KC 200K Challenge, you must run at total of 200K of 2021 participating races, from the list of races found at www.kcrcteam.com (which may be updated from time to time).  These can be 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons, or marathons.  They just need to be on the list of participating races.

300K Challenge Options

To complete the I Run KC 300K Challenge, you must run at total of 300K of 2021 participating races, from the list of races found at www.kcrcteam.com (which may be updated from time to time).  Again, these can be 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons, or marathons.  They just need to be on the list of participating races.


Do I have to join the team to participate in the I Run KC Challenge?

Yes, the KCRC Team and the I Run KC Challenges are once again merged for 2021. Individuals who register will be provided great benefits including discounts and team apparel. As a member of the team, you are not expected to do anything extra; however, there will be many extras provided for you! Participate as much or as little as you like.

Do I receive a medal for completing the I Run KC Challenge I signed up for?

Yes, once you complete the challenge you will receive a medal. You need to keep track of your races that qualify for your challenge. Then send a list of completed races to brad@kcrunningcompany.com before your last race.  We will communicate how we will get the medals to you later in the year.

What is the team apparel item?

The KCRC Team 2021 apparel item is a long sleeve tech shirt. We will mail the shirt to you within a few weeks after you register.

How much is the race discount?

KCRC Team 2021 members will receive a 15% discount on KC Running Company Races.

How do I apply my race discount?

The discount will be automatically applied when you register for the race through your Run Signup account.

How do I know which races I get discounts on?

The discount is applied to all KC Running Company races. Below is a list of those events (subject to change). Please continue to check this list for the most up-to-date information.

  • Battle of the Bean 5K
    Kick off Run 5K
    Sweetheart Run 5K/10K
    Cookie Run 5K
    Rock the Parkway Half and 5K
    Easter Egg 5K
  • Sunglasses Run 5K
    Father’s Day Quarter Marathon
    Stars and Stripes 5K
    Diva Dash 5K
    Plaza 10K
    Great Plains 10K
    Octoberfest 5K
    Monster Dash 5K
    Longview Half/10K/5K
  • Veteran's Day 5K
  • Great Santa Run 5K

How much is the store discount?

15% off the regular price

Are there any items not included in the store discount?

Garmin product are not included in the store discount, nor are sale items

How do I use my store discount?

A discount tag that you can attach to your keychain will be given to KCRC Team 2021 members. You must present it at the store in order to receive the discount. The tags will be mailed to you unless you already have one. 

Can I sign up for more than one I Run KC Challenge?

Yes, when you register for the KCRC Team 2020, you will select one of the I Run KC Challenges in which you want to participate. If you want to add more Challenges, please visit the store section from the Team page where you can add challenges for just $10.

How do I know which races are included in my I Run KC Challenge?

Just go to www.kcrcteam.com

Other questions? Email Brad at brad@kcrunningcompany.com  or Jenny at jsteen001@yahoo.com

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