Location: Hattiesburg, MS US 39404


A RRCA Walking / Running Club located in the piney woods of Mississippi.

The Pine Belt Pacers Running Club is an organization open to anyone who has an interest in recreational and competitive running and walking in the Pine Belt area of Mississippi.

Objective of the club: To provide physical, social, and emotional support for anyone interested in participating and competing in distance running or walking.

Membership Levels

Annual Individual Membership

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

12 Month Membership: $20.00 + $2.50 Processing Fee

Lifetime Individual Membership

100 year or Lifetime whatever comes first

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

Membership From December 31, 2014 to December 31, 2114: $200.00 + $12.00 Processing Fee

Annual Family Membership

Family members must reside at same household address!

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 6

Membership Options

12 Month Membership: $30.00 + $2.50 Processing Fee

Lifetime Family Membership

Family members must reside at same household address.

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 8

Membership Options

Membership From June 17, 2014 to June 17, 2114: $300.00 + $15.00 Processing Fee

ACTIVE Military Membership

Please submit a copy of your Military ID and/or proof of current ACTIVE duty military to contactus@pinebeltpacers.org . Proof of current ACTIVE military must be submitted within seventy-two (72) hours of your registration, or your registration may be terminated. 

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

Yearly Membership Ending On 12/31: $0.00

Club Officers

Name Title
Amanda Pippen President
Shannon Vega Vice President
Jane Kersh Treasurer
Karinna Lee Secretary
Mike Broom IT/Webmaster
Joseph Jones Webmaster
Nester Raul Anzola Social Media Chair
Jennifer Broom Social Chair
Becky Collins Public Relations Chair
Becky Ryder Longleaf Trace Liaison
Susan Blakeney Member Chair

Club Contact Information

PO BOX 15811
Hattiesburg, MS US 39404
Website: http://www.pinebeltpacers.org/

If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.

Club Membership Discounts

As a member of this club, you can get discounts for the following races:

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