The Triad Tri Team is a local training and social group focused around a shared interest in Triathlon. Your annual membership includes monthly meetings with exercise and educational opportunities, regular training opportunities with other members and local triathletes including open water swim opportunities, and gets you access to some fantastic sponsor and partner discounts including discounted race fees for many local races! If you're interested in joining, check out our website (, look us up on Facebook (The Triad Triathlon Team group), or come to one of our events and introduce yourself. We're looking forward to meeting you!
Individual membership includes access to all of our special events throughout the year, discounts with team sponsors and partners, entrance into the yearly team party, and a TTT swag bag*. Please note membership year is from January 1 thru December 31.
*While supplies last, swag bags not picked up before next years registration begins will no longer be available for pick up
Student membership includes access to all of our special events throughout the year, discounts with team sponsors and partners, entrance into the yearly team party, and a TTT swag bag*. Please note membership year is from January 1 thru December 31.
*While supplies last, swag bags not picked up before next years registration begins will no longer be available for pick up
Couple membership includes access to all of our special events throughout the year, discounts with team sponsors and partners, entrance into the yearly team party, and a TTT swag bag*. Please note membership is from January 1 thru December 31.
*While supplies last, swag bags not picked up before next years registration begins will no longer be available for pick up
Family membership includes access to all of our special events throughout the year, discounts with team sponsors and partners, entrance into the yearly team party, and a TTT swag bag*. Dependents must be 18 years old or under and in same household. Please note membership is from January 1 thru December 31.
*While supplies last, swag bags not picked up before next years registration begins will no longer be available for pick up
Name | Title |
Amy Arruda | Director of Membership |
If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.