Be part of history and join us for Kansas' inaugural Ad Astra Race to the Stars!
Pick Your Event
Countdown to Blastoff
Out-Of-This-World Course
This course starts and finishes in front of the Kansas State Capitol Building (permit pending) and will travel through the downtown streets of Topeka before launching into Space and finishing on a newly discovered planet called New Kansas.
This course involves multiple legs of travel including a rocketship from the Hyvee lot at 29th and Wannamaker Rd. You will need to move continuously throughout the process of boarding and during the 8-year journey by way of a personal treadmill (BYO).
The finish line experience involves colonizing the newsly discovered planet, New Kansas, with special activations by Galaxy Landscaping, Stardust steel, and Cane's Chicken.
Start Line Location
Lots of Concerns, Yep.
Your questions are warranted given the extreme nature of this race. Ask away and we'll do our best! <<shoulder shrug>>
About Ad Astra Race
Fitness festival celebrating Kansas, its history, and its future. Features four events including a full marathon, half marathon, 5k, and kids k.