Accept Sponsor Invitation: Infinite Love Tutu Trot 5K Run/Walk

The Infinite Love Tutu Trot 5K is Infinite Love for Kids Fighting Cancer's annual fundraiser for the Children's Brain Tumor Network at CHOP.
This is our 10th year holding this event, and we have grown by hundreds of participants each year. This event has raised over $500,000 to help researchers across the globe make more progress more quickly to help kids fighting brain tumors. 
2025 will be our BIGGEST YEAR YET and we are seeking compassionate, caring local businesses to join us as sponsors and show the community their commitment to helping childhood cancer fighters! 
Show how much you care and be a part of furthering research that wills save kids' lives -- become a sponsor today, and join the Infinite Love family!

You have been invited to create a sponsor for the Infinite Love Tutu Trot 5K Run/Walk.

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