443 fundraisers held!
Join this generous community and turn your passion into a fundraiser – however, wherever, whenever you want.
Starting is easy.
Gearing up for a birthday, special event, or do you simply want to pay it forward? Support the Live Like Bella® Foundation in the fight against childhood cancer by creating your own fundraising campaign, share it with your loved ones and inspire them to give to a cause dear to your heart!
Every dollar raised will help us on our mission to find a cure and to continue to serve children battling cancer around the world. See below for a 1, 2, 3 on how to make your fundraiser a success!
Step 1
Be part of the solution! Set up a campaign on our easy to use platform. Choose how you want to fundraise, write a quick description, and lastly, a photo, and you're all set!
Step 2
Spread the word and ask your friends and family to support your fundraiser! Send your customized campaign through email, a quick text, or you can even connect it directly to Facebook!
Step 3
100% of the proceeds you raise go directly to helping families affected by childhood cancer with financial need.
Need some inspiration?
Whether you want to throw a dinner party, ride 1,000 miles, host a yoga event, or donate your birthday, you can do it here! You’ll have all the tools you need to create your own fundraiser and manage it from start to finish.
Every dollar you raise helps Live Like Bella® on our mission to serve children battling cancer around the world. Participating lets you give your passion a purpose!