The live you impact.
Memories of Honor gives my son, Spc Etienne Murphy, life every time his picture is displayed at an event. Instead of saying I'm sorry for your loss, Memories of Honor put their sorry into action by hosting events, helping Gold Star families and veterans, and sending families of the fallen bibs with their hero's name on it with a message written on it. Getting those messages in the mail from a complete stranger courtesy of Memories of Honor means the world to me. I thank God for them.
Sheila Murphy -- Gold Star Mother of SPC Etienne Murphy
Memories of Honor is one of the best nonprofit organizations out there. The Memories of Honor staff works diligently to make every day Memorial Day for Gold Star Families. They embrace all Gold Star Families with unconditional love, respect, honor, integrity, laughter, and tears. Memories of Honor engages their communities with the stories of our fallen Heroes, which in turn keeps our memories fresh.
Kelly Wagoner -- Gold Star Mother of A1C Rickey Wagoner
When you lose a loved one while serving this country, it can feel like they become a forgotten servant, and the memories of their dedication and sacrifice are only held in the hearts of those they left behind. Seeing my little brother's name on the Memory of Honor bibs, the messages, and complete strangers carrying his sacrifice with them in his honor means more than any words could express. To know that his sacrifice is not forgotten and those he fought for choose to remember him brings me to tears. It's the greatest gift having this organization do what they do.
Nicole Lynn -- Gold Star Sister of SRA Jacob Partridge
“The Wall of Gratitude is a visual reminder of the price of freedom and liberty. It’s physical evidence that there are people who genuinely appreciate the sacrifice. Receiving notes of appreciation, knowing that a stranger is speaking my son’s name, and thinking about him and my family breathe life into his memory. Words can’t describe how that feels.”
Brian White -- Gold Star Father of PFC Logan White, US ARMY 9/26/20
“Memories of Honor’s Wall of Gratitude and the immensity of the sacrifice that it represents is overwhelming. Seeing our son’s name there - and knowing other visitors are seeing and reading his name - brings us comfort. Comfort in knowing that people care and that Bryan’s life and the sacrifice he made for our country will never be forgotten. For this, we are eternally grateful.”
Terry Burgess -- Proud Father of SSG Bryan Burgess, US Army 3/29/2011