San Angelo Group Runs
Join us for free group runs throughout the week! These low-pressure fun runs are open to everyone: no membership or reservation required.
Monday RUNday Runs:
Every OTHER Monday, SARL meets at 5:30pm at Zero One Brewing for a 3 mile run/walk! Meet at Zero One Restaurant (20 West Beauregard) at 5:30pm. Click here for more info and dates!
Tuesday Runs:
Every Tuesday we meet at 6:30pm for some trail running at Middle Concho Park. Runners of all abilities are welcome to join! Occasionally we head out to San Angelo State Park. Click here for more info!
Friday Runs:
Come out Fridays to run with us on the river downtown. We meet at the parking lot behind Eggemeyer's at 5:30pm for a 5K along the river and then SoCo Taphouse after! Click here for more info!
Saturday Runs:
Saturday mornings, the 3R coaches host a run at "the beach" (Mary Lee Park) at 8am (this will change to 7am in the summer) for 6+ miles. Perfect for getting your weekly long run in!