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Williston Gregory Cross Country Team

Wilmington, NC 28401 US

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2024 Cross Country Season from $0
August 26 - October 17 Membership: $0.00

Welcome to the 2024 XC

Hi Trailblazer families!

Welcome new families and teammates. Let me preface this with THIS IS A LOT OF INFO! But we want to communicate as best as possible for everyone.  Those that have been a part of the program(s) for awhile now get the flow of things pretty well and we are trying to maintain consistency. XC season is the most "challenging" in terms of how we take on all Williston-Gregory and St. Mark kids to coach and following the XC season, many remain with us as Without Limits Trailblazers throughout the year.  For the XC season, all of the runners are able to represent their respective schools either through the public school race program or the private/homeschool program.

Following our short but VERY busy and INCREDIBLE XC season, we continue to train year round as a Without Limits Youth Trailblazer Team, competing in 5ks, trail races, relays, team socials, volunteer opportunities, and tons of fun team oriented events all year long. 

Practice Location

424 S. 13th St
Wilmington, NC 28401 US



Coach Pierce keeps record of most time trials that we train for, PRs in 5k throughout the year that the team does together, and XC meet results.  This started in 2017. If an * is next to a name, that is a WOL Trailblazer, all others are Williston-Gregory XC runners. We reiterate that we are all Trailblazers, working together, but for XC season, we represent our respective schools.  Always getting better together because we believe in community and the bond of dedication and hard work together!  Times and records will be updated this season and continuing through the year for races that we keep specific times for.  One example of a race we wouldn’t record an official record time for is a 5k course that was not truly at least 3.1 miles in length.

Upcoming Events

Wilmington Beach Blast
Friday September 6th, 2024

You must sign up properly on the google doc and commit to being at Olsen Park for the race, ready with your jersey, running shoes, and determined attitude! See BELOW

Lion Pride 5K, 1 Mile, and 400m Kids Dash! 
When: Thursday, September 12th
Details: USATF Certified 5K: Race through the fast neighborhood streets behind St. Mark School.
Family Fun: After the race, enjoy hot dogs, hamburgers, and beverages for both kids and adults!
Location: St. Mark School
This will be in place of our regular practice.
Sign up here for FREE on the site using code: WOLTB and select NO T SHIRT option

Team Campout at Carolina Beach State Park
Saturday September 14-15
Campsites booked: Site 27, 29, 30, 31, 32

All Trailblazers signed up (any WOL Trailblazers, st mark, Williston-Gregory) will camp in tents set up next to one another in the reserved sites. We will be running at the state park, participating in many group games and challenges, tie dye, glow in the dark capture the flag, s’mores, swimming, and more— ya know, all the camp stuff~
Coach Brenda and Steve, Coach Pierce and Dylan, will for sure be there the whole time, and if a few parents would like to volunteer, that would be great! Please let Coach Pierce know via email ( No camper will be unsupervised.
A $25 donation is requested to help cover expenses, but free to ANYONE who needs it! We want all to be able to attend. Venmo: @trailblazersrunning with subject: xc camp


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