Jazz Running Coaching & Consultations

Select Your Membership Level

Level 1: Online Monthly Running Plan

This monthly running schedule will help you stay on track and make progress towards your goals. By following this plan, you can gradually increase your mileage and pace, while also allowing for rest and recovery days to prevent injury. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned runner, this schedule can be adjusted to suit your individual needs and fitness level. Stay committed and consistent, and you'll see improvements in your running performance over time.

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Strength Training Add-On

This is an add-on to any of the other levels. Our functional training program for runners focuses on exercises that mimic the natural movements used while running, emphasizing core strength, stability, and leg power through compound movements like squats, lunges, planks, plyos, and single-leg exercises, aiming to improve running efficiency, prevent injuries, and enhance overall performance by training the body to move dynamically in multiple planes of motion, rather than isolating specific muscle groups.  


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Level 2: Strength Training Only Monthly Plan

Strength training involves making muscles work harder than normal by contracting them against an outside resistance. This resistance can come from your own body weight, weight machines, dumbbells, resistance bands, or medicine balls.  
Strength training can improve your mobility, increase your strength and bone mass, and reduce your body fat. It can also help with chronic conditions like arthritis, back pain, and heart disease.

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Level 3: 1-on-1 Goal-Setting and Mental Stamina Consultation

Our "1 on 1 goal-setting & mental stamina consultation" is a personalized session where an individual meets via phone call or Zoom with Bob or Katie.  

Key aspects of this consultation:

  • Goal Identification
  • SMART Goal Setting
  • Mental Stamina Assessment
  • Mindset Coaching
  • Stress Management Techniques
  • Action Plan Development


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Level 4: THE COMPLETE RUNNER PACKAGE includes Levels 1, 2, & 3

This is the combination of the online monthly running plan, strength training, and consultations on goal-setting and mental toughness training.  Putting all the pieces together in a flowing manner makes the “Complete Runner.”

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CLICK THE LINK TO BE REDIRECTED TO OUR CAMP SITE:  https://runsignup.com/Race/MI/Brooklyn/JazzSaukValleyRunningCamp

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You must selected at least one membership before submitting.

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