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Keep Trucking for Austin 5K

Sat September 21, 2024 Albany, GA 31701 US
Team Fundraiser

The Bodied Shop/Bodied by Lex G

Fundraiser Login
Current Team Members:


Raised of $100



Domestic abuse is a pattern of physical, sexual, economic and/or psychological violence used to get control and maintain control over an intimate partner. Donations to this event will help Austin Tyler Foundation continue to serve victims with the following programs.

24- Hours Crisis Lines - ATF crisis lines provide safety planning, information and support to abuse victims and those with questions about others who may be battered. If you are a domestic violence victim in need of a safe and confidential place to stay, we encourage you to contact us. Crisis Line: (404) 740-8369

Outreach and Prevention Programs - Education is the key to ending domestic violence, so ATF strives to inform our community on its dynamics and prevention measures. Our outreach focus areas are domestic violence in the workplace, teen dating violence, college communities and faith-based organizations. 

Safety Plans - If you have been in an abusive relationship, having a safety plan can be crucial to your well-being.  ATF will provide safety planning and referrals.

Support Groups for Women - ATF support groups aid women who have left violent relationships or continue to live with their abuser. These groups provide a safe place for survivors to come together and share experiences, offer encouragement, support and generate ideas on ways to live violence free.

Thank you for joining the fight!




Top Donors

$40 Raised By 4 Donors

$25 on behalf of Christina Elder
$5 on behalf of Brittany Salter
$5 on behalf of Morgan
$5 on behalf of Sandra Dennard

The Bodied Shop/Bodied by Lex G Team Members


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