I want to personally thank you for visiting my personal Scentsy website and inquiring about me!  If you looking to learn more about our products or how to build wealth, you came to the right place with an experienced consultant.

ABOUT ME-MY 16 YEAR SUCCESS STORY I am currently the mother of 2 college students who were raised by a Scentsy entrepreneur and the wife of 29 years to my college sweetheart. I met Scentsy way back in January 2008 when I was introduced to Scentsy at the home party of a friend that I reluctantly attended! Allow me to explain…I had a “candle addiction” and already had tons of candle products in my home so I really thought I didn’t need to go!  At the party, I quickly realized that Scentsy was a totally unique home fragrance product & NOT a typical candle!  My family FELL IN LOVE with Scentsy.  It was a no-brainer “except” for the fact that the following month, we would be moving 4 hours north of our central Illinois home to a place where I knew no one.  Challenged a bit by my lack of connections locally, I simply couldn’t stop thinking about how much Scentsy product we would consume and that others must feel the same too!  In March 11, 2008, I sat down amidst many un-packed boxes and made the $99 investment to join!

$99 changed my life!!! How you might ask? As I learned the ropes, I became more confident, I met so many new friends in my community, I have continued to help others do the same and this is all while being able to raise my kids from home and never miss a moment with them. I can say for sure that I joined to earn product discounts but I stay because the business model has provided my family and so many other families a life changing experience financially and professionally.

Please don't hesitate to call or email me if you have questions about Scentsy products or the business opportunity!  I would love to help you choose a safe and soot free candle alternative or start your own business!!!

Chris Danner, Scentsy SuperStar Director, Virginia Beach VA