In 2019, we had the good fortune to witness and participate in the life changing work SACCOs (credit unions) across Africa are doing. We also learned the passion we had for helping improve people's lives could be increased exponentially when seeing the power financial cooperatives have in Africa.
This fall, we are taking that passion for people to help Africa's credit unions (SACCOs) expand how they develop the people who change lives and communities through Africa's credit unions. Through our participation in the CLIMB AFRICA campaign, we are helping raise funds to build the ACCOSCA Academy, a tool to provide training and development resources (curriculum, instructors, facilities) that will create a more sustainable credit union system.
What kind of difference can this training make for communities?
- Leaders may learn how to introduce new technology that assures people have more consistent access to financial services.
- This facility may create opportunities for collaboration where leaders can come together and address community problems with system solutions.
- Education may prepare leaders with new ideas for products and services that create financial independence for women and vulnerable populations.
- Employees will receive certifications and leadership training that prepare them to grow their careers and succeed today's leaders.
In October 2022, we will be serving as members of the ground team doing community development work in Kenya and Malawi while CLIMB AFRICA Campaign members are summitting Mount Kilimanjaro. We are proud to participate in the CLIMB AFRICA Campaign because of our shared passion for education and the growth of the credit union movement around the world. Your donation is appreciated as it will help reach our collective goal of changing a continent through education.
Thank you for your support!