We, at SUMA are here....
To act in accordance to the rules and regulations of a Non-Profit organization law in the State of Texas.
To sustain our unique heritage for the coming generations.
To strengthen, promote and consolidate cooperation among the community.
To establish a public forum for recognizing, maximizing the visibility and honoring the contributions and accomplishments of community members
To support and provide humanitarian and charitable contributions and to involve in community development activities in compliance with the executive committee
To provide support, incentivize, and encourage the continued practices of the Kerala culture, heritage and traditional social and family values.
To establish a forum for youth in order to maintain and invigorate the cultural and social heritage handed down by the community at large.
To affiliate or work together with other organizations having similar goals and aspirations.
The association is not intended for making any profit and any income will go towards the upliftment of the community and the objectives stated in the bylaw.