Remember how impressed you were that you could actually cut, dice, slice, trim and work with food like a pro when you first used your new kitchen knife? Your kitchen knife sliced through the food without effort and you enjoyed it.

Now your vegetables are crushed, not diced, your meat is hacked into pieces instead of thinly sliced, the knife slides off of the food and you cut yourself, and using your favorite knife is no more fun than doing the dishes. You need a professional knife sharpening service!

We have been sharpening over 40 years for fun and 20+ years as a trusted knife and scissor sharpening service in the Richmond, VA area. We are the nationwide recommended sharpener for the leading manufacturer of premium cutlery, Zwilling J.A. Henckels.

We service Home Chef’s in Richmond VA as well as knives shipped from across the country. We look forward to providing you with our outstanding service.