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Waves of Hope 5K

Hollywood, FL 33019 US

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BRCAStrong is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization aimed at supporting women who have been affected by breast cancer and gynecological cancers regardless of predisposition to a hereditary cancer. Financial support to routine monitoring or preventative surgery for Previvors, Thrivers, and Survivors throughout the journey towards health, positive self-image, and inspired living.  

Over the years, BRCAStrong has evolved into a sisterhood of Previvors, Thrivers and Survivors that offers education, information, support, and advocacy for women who are uninsured or underinsured. Support comes in all forms from post-mastectomy garments and prosthetics, gynecological care packages and other treatment necessities; and is provided at zero cost to recipients. BRCAStrong has proudly assisted over 1658 women with care packages and garments in 2023.

Top Donors

$15 Raised By 2 Donors

$10 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous

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