Focused On Prioritizing Your Goals And Needs

After a catastrophic injury, you may feel overwhelmed. While attempting to recover, you may be incurring significant medical debt, navigating the confusing insurance claims process, and coping with an inability to work and more. Most importantly, you may fear how you will care for your family.

At Phil Hall, P.A., we have worked with accident victims, disabled individuals, and property owners who have suffered damage after a storm since 2003. In this time, we have come to understand the discrepancies between the stressful circumstances that you endure and the actions of the insurance company. Together, we fight against powerful insurance companies to pursue what you are rightfully due.

We strive to make a difference, especially in the uneven playing fields of personal injury law and long-term disability claims. While insurers may fail to continually put the best interests of injured or disabled individuals in mind, we prioritize your goals and needs.