Hey running friends I’m Cortney! UESCA running coach and licensed physical therapist assistant with a BS in exercise science. I’m a huge nerd when it comes to all things fitness and mindset. I believe we can all surprise ourselves by what we are capable of, with the right mindset we are limitless! 

Exercise has always been a huge part of my life. I started gymnastics at the age of 5 and later transitioned into dance and cheerleading. I actually didn’t become a runner until I was in my mid twenties,  but once I started I quickly became addicted. The running community is awesome and such a great group of inspiring people. I’ve since run 2 50k’s, 3 full marathons, 7 half marathons and a good bit of 5ks. My favorite distance is a half marathon and I absolutely love running the flat roads of Myrtle Beach!  

I began coaching gymnastics at the age of 14 in which I Immediately knew coaching and helping others was going to be my thing, my forever. Fast forward to today, I own my own business, Seniors In Motion in which I do in home fitness. I also strength train runners via online or in person. 

I’m beyond excited to coach alongside Coach Dawn. She has coached me for my firsts and several PRs. I'm looking forward to sprinkling in strength training to not only keep you strong, both physically and mentally, but also keeping you injury free and running happy! Cross training is so important as you add mileage. Can’t wait to meet everyone!!